UK Antimicrobial Registry (UKAR)

UK Antimicrobial Registry (UKAR)

UK Antimicrobial Registry logo
Duration: 01 November 2021 - 30 November 2026
Funder: British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Chief investigators: Professor Gary Macfarlane , Professor Gareth Jones
Other co-investigators: Professor Patrice Forget , Dr Callum Kaye (NHS Grampian), Dr Noha El Sakka (NHS Grampian)
Study coordinators: Rebecca Parr , Jisha Babu
Project assistant: Jay Woods

Effective antimicrobial agents are a crucial component of modern medicine allowing the elimination or inhibition of growth of all microorganisms. However, their effectiveness is threatened by evolutionary development of certain microbes. According to the WHO, antimicrobial resistance is increasing world-wide, and compromising our ability to treat infectious diseases and undermining many other advances in health and medicine. The purpose of the UKAR is to answer a broad set of research questions around novel anti-microbial agents. It will allow us to describe the use of such novel agents throughout the UK and to quantify the clinical outcomes and safety profile associated with their use in a real world setting.

Enquiries about the study can be emailed to .

You can find out more about the registry, including the latest study news, at the BSAC study webpages .

Expression of Interest

If you are a clinician who is interested in antimicrobial resistance, please complete the UKAR Study Expression of Interest form below. You can also access the form from this link.

Participating hospital sites