Measuring a Just Transition in the North East of Scotland

Measuring a Just Transition in the North East of Scotland
  • Funder: Uplift
  • Status: Ongoing (July 2022 – October 2023)
  • Project lead: Daria Shapovalova
  • Project team: Keith Bender, John Bone, Tavis Potts.
  • Project summary:
    The North-East of Scotland is at the forefront of the energy transition processes in the UK. With the transformation of the UK’s energy sector and the integration of climate goals into the energy decision-making, lives of communities and workers in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire are directly affected by changes in the labour market and new energy and climate policies. This project will identify and analyse the relevant literature and socio-economic data; use participatory research to develop regional ‘just transition’ indicators and scenarios; testing the existing policies against these indicators and scenarios. Researchers from social science, geography, law, and economics will engage with the local stakeholders and civil society to deliver an impactful evidence base for defining and measuring ‘just transition’ in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire
