The History of Cruickshank Botanic Garden: Walking Tour (UNI-Versal)

The History of Cruickshank Botanic Garden: Walking Tour (UNI-Versal)

This is a past event

Morning (10:00 - 11:30) and Afternoon (16:00 - 17:30) Tour times available.

What does a football playing field have in common with a Botanic Garden? Join Mark Paterson, Curator of Cruickshank Botanic Garden, to find out as he takes you on a journey through time exploring the 350-year history of the Garden.

Please meet in the Zoology Building Foyer 5 minutes before the tour start time. 

This tour will be outdoors, so please bring waterproofs/umbrella as needed, and wear appropriate footwear. We will endeavour to make these tours as accessible as possible, but do let us know when booking if you have any mobility issues. 

TERRAIN: Mostly grass and paths, some inclines.

Mark Paterson
Cruickshank Botanic Garden, Meeting point: Zoology Building Foyer

Free/Booking Required