Climate Change Perspectives

Climate Change Perspectives

This is a past event

Join us for this event, which gives new perspectives on climate change. There will be two twenty minute talks and time for questions.

Thereza de Aguiar, Senior Lecture in Accountancy

Broadening engagement: Using graphic art to account for climate change

It is still unsure who are the users of Social and Environmental Accounting and how to engage a broader audience. This research pursues three main objectives: (i) produce an accounting on climate change issues using arts; (ii) explore advantages to accounting with art to promote engagement and (iii) analyse interdisciplinary views while producing such account. This study will contribute to develop “new accounting” format in which different types of communication could be used, such as storytelling, poems and images.


Lina Nass, AUSA Communities Officer

Capitalism & Climate Change

Lina will speak about the relationship between capitalism and climate change, and show why the socio-economic system we live in needs to fundamentally change in order to mitigate climate change. She's been an activist within the environmental and labour movement for many years, and currently works at the Aberdeen University Students' Association as the Communities Officer.


Thereza de Aguaiar, Senior Lecturer, Accountancy and Lina Nass, AUSA Communities Officer
Hosted by
University of Aberdeen
MacRobert Building room MR051

Dr Adam Price