Segregation and Inclusion in Sports Workshop

Segregation and Inclusion in Sports Workshop

This is a past event

The aim of this workshop is to critically examine issues of segregation and inclusion in sports from philosophical, legal, historical and professional perspectives by bringing together academics from different disciplines and representatives from sports organisations.

This event aims to examine segregation in sports.  Questions to be addressed include: 

  • Is the common practice by clubs and associations to segregate competitions and access to resources on the basis of sex/gender morally justifiable? What, if anything, justifies segregation in sports? What, if any, are the limits to permissible segregation?

  • Are there important differences between holding sex/gender to be a relevant factor in determining eligibility to competitions, on the one hand, and holding other characteristics (e.g. race, ethnicity, disability, religion), on the other, as relevant in determining athletes’ eligibility to compete? Do these differences justify sports competitions being segregated by sex/gender?

  • Are current policies for determining the eligibility of transgender and intersex athletes morally justifiable?

  • Do issues connected with the eligibility of transgender and intersex athletes affect how we should conceive of gender- or sex-segregated competitions? If so, how?


9.30- 9.55            Tea/Coffee

9.55 - 10.00        Welcome

10.00 – 11.00     Adrienne Milner (Blizzard Institute, Queen Mary University), ‘Sex Segregation in Sports: Why Separate Is Not Equal’

11.00 - 12.00      Eilidh Macrae (University of the West of Scotland), ‘Active for Life: Accessing Sport and Exercise During Pregnancy and Motherhood’

12.00 - 1.00        Lunch break

1.00 - 2.00           Hugh Torrance (LEAP Sports Scotland), TBC

2.00- 3.00            Federico Luzzi (University of Aberdeen), ‘Tännsjö on Sex Segregation in Sports’

3.00- 3.15            Tea/Coffee

3.15-4.15             Seema Patel (Nottingham Trent University), ‘Socio-Legal and Regulatory Perspectives on Inclusion and Exclusion in Sport’

Dr Federico Luzzi
The Sir Duncan Rice Library

Dr Federico Luzzi