FOSS - Anthem for Doomed Youth and Aberdeenshire: Wilfred Owen's Scottish Inspiration

FOSS - Anthem for Doomed Youth and Aberdeenshire: Wilfred Owen's Scottish Inspiration

This is a past event

Join us in this stimulating talk to explore the latest research into and continued relevance of this war poet.

Wilfred Owen is one of the most enduring and popular of the poets who wrote so movingly about the Great War. Neil McLennan's research over the last ten years has given us new perspectives on Owen’s poetry. Neil will also share the Aberdeenshire inspiration which helped form Owen’s powerful poetry and other Aberdeen connections around Anthem for Doomed Youth.

This event is part of the Festival of Social Sciences 4th - 11th November, find out more here

This event if FREE, but booking is required HERE.

Central Library, Rosemount Viaduct, Aberdeen, AB25 1GW

For more information please contact the PERU team at or on 01224 273689.