Professor Marian Wiercigroch

Professor Marian Wiercigroch
Professor Marian Wiercigroch
Professor Marian Wiercigroch


Sixth Century Chair in Applied Dynamics

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 272509
Office Address

Centre for Applied Dynamics Research, School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, Kings College Aberdeen AB24 3UE, Scotland, UK 

School of Engineering


Present Appointments:

  • Sixth Century Chair in Applied Dynamics
  • Director of the Centre for Applied Dynamics Research (CADR)

Previous Appointments:

  • 2009-16 Director of Internationalisation, College of Physical Sciences, University of Aberdeen
  • 2003-07 Head of Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Aberdeen
  • 2002-06 Personal Chair in Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Aberdeen
  • 2000-02 Reader in Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Aberdeen
  • 1999-00 Senior Lecturer in Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Aberdeen
  • 1994-95 Visiting Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Delaware
  • 1994-99 Lecturer in Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Aberdeen
  • 1992-93 Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
  • 1991-92 Research Fellow, Department of Engineering, University of Aberdeen
  • 1985-90 Research Associate, Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Poland

Awards & Distinctions:

  • 2023 Honorary Professor, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China
  • 2022 Senior Assessor for Polish Research Assessment Framework
  • 2021 Distinguished Guest Professor, Yanshan University, China
  • 2020 REF2021 Panel Member for UoA 12: Engineering
  • 2020 Scottish Champion of Knowledge Transfer, UK
  • 2018 Distinguished Guest Professor, Bariloche Atomic Centre, Argentina
  • 2017 Honorary Professor; Perm National Polytechnical University, Russia
  • 2013 DSc honoris causa, Lodz University of Technology
  • 2011 REF2014 Panel Member for UoA 15: General Engineering 
  • 2009 Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
  • 2009 Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
  • 2003-06 Council Member, Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications
  • 2003 Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications
  • 2000- Member of EPSRC College
  • 1994 Senior Fulbright Fellowship

External Memberships

  • Editor in Chief: International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (since 2013)
  • Editorial Boards: Acta Mechanica Sinica (editor 2006-2016); Advances in Engineering Monographs Series: Swets & Zeitlinger; Applied Sciences; Automation and Mechanical Engineering: Russian International Journal; International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education; International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics; Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering: Polish International Journal; NOLTE (editor); Proceedings of IMechE: Part C - Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science; Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters
  • Member of EPSRC Peer Review College; since 2000
  • Member of the Council, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications; 2003-06
  • Guest Editor and Co-Editor: Chaos, Solitons and Fractals (1 issue, 2000), Meccanica (3 issues, 2002 & 2006), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Part A (3 issues, 2001 & 2008), IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (1 issue, 2005), International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics (2 issue, 2008), Proceedings of the Institutions of Mechanical Engineers – Part C (1 issue, 2006)
  • Papers, Books and Grant Proposals' Reviewer: The Aeronautical Journal; ASME: Journal of Turbomachinery; ASME: Journal of Applied Mechanics; ASME: Journal of Vibration and Acoustics; ASME: Biennial conferences on Vibration and Noise; Chaos: An International Journal of Nonlinear Science; Chaos, Solitons and Fractals; Composites: Part B; Computational Mechanics; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Conference Programmes in the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences; 2005 DAMAS conference; 2005 DINAME Conference; Dynamical Systems: An International Journal; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Institution of Mechanical Engineers – James Watt International Award Scheme; International Conferences on Vibrational Practice in Engineering; International Journal of Mechanical Sciences; International Journal and Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences; International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics; International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control; International Journal of Rotating Machinery; Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering; IUTAM Symposia; John Wiley & Sons; Journal of Applied Mathematics; Journal of Sound and Vibration; Journal of Vibration and Control; Joule Centre; Machine Vibration; Mathematics Today; Meccanica: Italian International Journal of Mechanics; Mechanics: Research Communications; Natural Environment Research Council; Nonlinear Dynamics; OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund); Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society - Part A; Physics Letters B; Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Parts B, C and D; Proceedings of the Royal Society: Part A; Springer – Books Proposals; Structural Engineering and Mechanics; Systems Analysis-Modelling-Simulation; Slovenian Ministry of Education and Science; The Royal Society; Transactions of Institute of Measurement & Control; World Scientific – Books Proposals; ZAMM.
  • Advisory Board:  Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics Research, Harbin Institute of Technology; Center for Structures in Extreme Environments, Rutgers University
  • Conference/Minisymposia Chairman/Co-chairman and Organiser: IUTAM Symposium on Nonlniear Dynamics for Edvanced Technologies and Engineering Design, 27 – 30 July 2010, Aberdeen, UK; 21st  ICTAM, 24 – 30 August 2008, Adelaida, Australia; WCCM VIII, July 2008, Venice, Italy;  2nd International Conference on Vibration, Dynamics and Control, 23 – 26 August 2006 Beijing, China; WCCM VII, 16 – 22 July 2006, Los Angeles, US; The IMA International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Mechanics, September 2005, Aberdeen; Euromech Colloquium on 'Multi-scales Modelling in Continuum and Discrete Mechanics', June 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia; Advanced CIMS Course on 'Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos for High Volume and Ultra Precision Metal Cutting', 20 – 24 September  2004, Udine, Italy; WCCM VI, 5 – 10 September 2004, Beijing, China; XXXII Summer School of Russian Academy of Sciences 'Advanced Problems in Mechanics', 24 June – 1 July 2004, St. Petersburg, Russia; XXXI Summer School of Russian Academy of Sciences 'Advanced Problems in Mechanics', 23 June – 2 July 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia; International Conference on Bifurcations: the Use and Control of Chaos, July 2003, Southampton, UK; SIAM Applications of Dynamical Systems; 20 – 24 May 2003, Snowbird, Utah, US; EuroMech Colloquium 425 'Nonlinear Dynamics, Control and Condition Monitoring of Engineering Systems & Structures', Aberdeen, 20-24 August 2001
  • Member of over 50 Scientific and Technical Committees of International and National Conferences including Euromech Colloquia and IUTAM Symposia.

Research Overview

Theoretical: Mathematical modelling, nonlinear systems, nonlinear oscillations, chaotic and stochastic dynamics, stability and control and design methodology

Applied: Mechanical vibrations, vibro-impact systems, rotary and percussive drilling, design of drilling modules, dynamics and control of smart structures, dynamics of machine tools and cutting processes, dynamics and fatigue, nonlinear dynamics for design, precision ultrasonic machining; friction dynamics and tribology, machine tool design, CAD/CAM, application of numerical methods in engineering, renewable energy, energy harvesting, underwater acoustics and fluid-structure interactions

Current Research

Resonance Enhanced Drilling. We aim to develop novel downhole drilling technique based on generating nonlinear resonances between the drill-bit and the drilled formations. The research has been undertaken since 1998 and funded by the Centre for Marine and Petroleum Technology, the Royal Society, BP, European Space Agency, EPSRC (two contracts, one joint with Prof S Mikhalov from the Brunel University), the Scottish Enterprize and ITI Energy. We have developed a small scale experimental rig which demonstrates the concept. Currently I have two PhD students: Joseph Emans and Olusegun Ajibose working in this area. I collaborate with Dr E Pavlovskaia on the fundamental aspects of impact dynamics and we jointly supervise a PhD student, James Ing, who investigates grazing behaviour. In a closely related topic Marcos Silveira, a new PhD student, is investigating drillstring vibrations. In December 2007 ITI Energy has funded a large develpment programme (£4.6m in total) and will involve a number of companies and institutions. The University of Aberdeen's participation in the RED Programme involves six members of academic staff (Prof M Wiercigroch, Drs AR Akisanya, JJ Harrighan, DC Hendry, S He and E Pavlovskaia), a Research and Innovation Officer (Dr R Wakefield), a technician (A Robertson), five Research Fellows (Drs S Aphale, AJ Fenwick, G Karolyi, L Ma and J Wojewoda) and a PhD student (O Ajibose).

Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV) of Offshore Risers. The main idea is to apply the Nonlinear Normal Modes approach to reduce the complexity in modeling and analysis of VIV of offshore risers. This should ultimately to produce robust predictions of fatigue life of offshore risers. Our involvement in this area has started only in November 2005 and we have managed to secure a PhD studentship two grants from the Royal Society (a joint project with Brazil) and DTI and MCS International (a KTP award). Currently we have one post doctoral researcher, Dr Narakorn Srinil and one PhD student, Marko Keber working with us.

Vibrational Energy Harnessing using Pendulor Systems. The work which has started in 2001 originates from the parametric pendula operating in rotational regimes. We have developed a novel concept of energy extraction from sea waves and designed a laboratory device which is driven by waves. I collaborate with my University colleagues, Prof JMT Thompson, Drs E Pavlovskaia and J Sieber, and internationally with Professors G Rega (Rome) and S Lenci (Ancona). Recently Bryan Horton, funded by EPSRC, has completed and defended his PhD thesis. Currently I supervise two PhD students working in this area, Richard Morrison, who is working on theoretical aspects of parametric oscillations and Anna Najdecka, who is looking at the synchronization of pendulums systems.

Nonlinear Dynamics of Underwater Acoustics. During my visiting appointments with the University of Delaware in 1994 and 1995, I have been involved in the project of modeling and analysis of the acoustic wave propagation in deep oceans. My efforts in this area has been reinvigorated in November 2004 when Tamas Bodai has joined me as a PhD student and then in February 2006 Dr Alan J Fenwick of QinetiQ has won a Royal Academy of Engineering grant to work with us. Tamas has now defended his PhD and works in industry.

Nonlinear Control of Rotor Systems. The work stems from joint EPSRC funded projects with the University of Glasgow and the Polish Academy of Sciences (three grants) started in 1999 on vibration control using composite structures with SMAs. Currently I work with a post doctoral researcher, Dr Shi-Min Wang from the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronomics, who has won 12 months Royal Society fellowship to undertake a study on nonlinear control of rotor system with bearing clearances.



  • Professor Haym Benaroya, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rutgers University, USA
  • Professor Soumitro Banerjee, Department of Electrical Engineering,  Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
  • Professor Qingjie Cao, Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics Research, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
  • Professor Matthew P Cartmell, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK
  • Professor Takashi Hikihara, Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University
  • Professor Tomasz Kapitaniak, Department of Dynamics, TU Lodz, Poland
  • Professor Anton M Krivtsov, Laboratory of Computational Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
  • Professor Stefano Lenci, Department of Architecture, Building and Structures, Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy
  • Professor Qishao Lu, Department of Science, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronomics, China
  • Professor Carlos EN Mazzilli, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Professor Lifeng Ma, Department of Mechanics, X'ian Jiatong University, China
  • Professor Sergey Mikhailov, Department of Mathematics, Brunel University, UK
  • Professor Yuri Miklin, Department of Applied Mathematics, Kharkov Polytechnic University, Ukraine
  • Dr Ekaterina Pavlovskaia, School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, UK
  • Professor Giuseppe Rega, Department of Structural Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Italy
  • Professor Marcelo Savi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Professor Pol Spanos, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science, Rice University, USA
  • Professor J Michael T Thompson, School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, UK
  • Dr Pankaj Wahi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
  • Professor Jerzy Warminski, Department of Applied Mechanics, TU Lublin, Poland
  • Dr Ko-Choong Woo, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Malaysia

Funding and Grants

Since 2001 

  • New Constitutive Laws for Impact Dynamics, a joint project with St Petersburg State University, The Royal Society of London; 2010-2012; Â£12,000.
  • Modelling and Analysis of BHA and Drill-string Vibration, 2009-2011, BG Group plc, Â£228,848.
  • Nonlinear Dynamics for Engineering Design, 2009-2010, The Royal Academy of Engineering, a major award with Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur, £11945.
  • Resonance Enhanced Drilling, ITI Energy Ltd, 2007-2011, £4,600,000 (principal investigator; with Drs AR Akisanya, SS Aphale, J Harrigan, S He, DC Hendry and E Pavlovskaia as co-investigators). 
  • Multi-scale Modelling of Dry Friction, a joint project with TU Lodz, The Royal Society of London, 2007-09, £12,000.
  • Smart Structures for Vibration Control of Rotor Systems, The Royal Society of London, Incoming Fellowship from China: Dr Shimin Wang; 2007-08, £12,830.
  • Application of Nonlinear Normal Modes to Offshore Risers, KTP with MCS International, 2007-2009, £210,814 with Drs Pavlovskaia and Guo as co-investigators.
  • Pre-investment study on 'Resonance Enhanced Drilling, ITI Energy Ltd, 2006, £32,600.
  • Nonlinear Dynamics of Offshore Risers, a joint project with University with Sao Paulo, The Royal Society of London, 2006-08, £12,000.
  • Resonance Enhanced Drilling, Knowledge Transfer Grant, Scottish Enterprise, 2005, £25,905.
  • Commercialisation of Rotary Percussion Drilling, Scottish Enterprise Grampian, 2005, £11,690.
  • Nonlinear Dynamics of Rotating Machinery: Design, Control and Condition Monitoring, a joint project with University with Ljubljana, The Royal Society of London, 2003-05, £12,000.
  • Ultrasonic Rock Corer for use in Planetary Missions, European Space Agency, 2002, £10,000 (co-investigator; with Prof J Parnell as principal investigator).
  • Nonlinear Dynamics and Rock Contact Fracture Mechanics in Modelling of Vibration Enhanced Drilling, EPSRC, 2002-06, £270,720 (principal investigator; with Professor SE Mikhailov of Brunel University as co-investigator).  Rated: Outstanding.
  • Control of Vibration by Smart SMA-Embedded Composite Structures, Rolls-Royce, 2000, £18,000.
  • High Efficiency Percussive Drilling Tool Driven by Beat Frequency, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, 2000-02, £49,526. Rated: Tending to Outstanding.
  • Control of Vibration by Smart SMA-Embedded Composite Structures I, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, 1999-2003, £49,928 (principal investigator; with Professor MP Cartmell from Glasgow University as co-investigator). Rated: Outstanding.
  • Control of Vibration by Smart SMA-Embedded Composite Structures II, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, 1999-2002, £172,533 (co-investigator; with Professor MP Cartmell from Glasgow University as principal investigator). Rated: Tending to Outstanding.
  • Control of Vibration by Smart SMA-Embedded Composite Structures III, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, 1999-2002, £22,978 (co-investigator; with Professor MP Cartmell from Glasgow University as principal investigator).  Rated: Outstanding.

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Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Conferences

Contributions to Journals

Contributions to Specialist Publications
