British Science Festival: Helping the Developing World to Help Itself through Science

British Science Festival: Helping the Developing World to Help Itself through Science

This is a past event

An interesting pannel discussion as part of the British Science Festival:

Are we winning? The science of progress in global health - Wendy Graham
The role of science in HIV prevention - Hilary Homans
Global CREST challenges - incorporating development issues into exciting science projects - Julie Brown

Many problems faced by the developing world, from communicable diseases to food security, can only be effectively tackled with the help of science and technology. This requires building a capacity in these countries to develop the relevant science, as well as the technology required to put it to use. Explore the types of partnership that work, and how scientists (and students) can get involved.

Please see link for a copy of the presentation by Hilary Homans

Wendy Graham and Hilary Homans (University of Aberdeen) and Julie Brown (Practical Action)
Hosted by
British Science Association
Meston Building, Lecture Theatre 1, University of Aberdeen