Image Requests

Image Requests

Our collection of digitised material is available to browse via Primo. You may freely use our images, provided you abide by the terms stated in the Creative Commons By Attribution 4.0 licence (more detail is given further down this page).

Should you find that the image you require is not present, click here to access our request form for digitising new images. More information on charges can be found below.

Imaging for Research

Specialist Digitisation

A charge may apply for digitisation of:

  • Material that has not been imaged already

  • Large quantities of Material

  • Material that requires specialist imaging techniques

  • Material that cannot be handled safely in the research room.

To use this service, please click here to access our request form. We have a regular programme of imaging items which are identified as priorities. Items which are imaged in full are routinely added to the digital repository and are licenced under CC BY.

Licensing of images

Licensing of Images

Unless otherwise stated, our images are licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence (CC BY 4.0). Under the terms of this licence you are free to:

  • Share - Copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
  • Adapt - Remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution - You MUST give appropriate credit, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if changes were made. You may give attribution in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests we endorse you or your use.
  • No additional restrictions - You MAY NOT apply legal terms or any measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the licence permits.

Attribution Example

When using our images, please credit in a similar way to the example given below:

  • "Castle Street on a Friday from the Municipal Tower", catalogue number MS 3792/E2131X in University of Aberdeen Museums and Special Collections, is licensed under CC By 4.0.

The format shown above follows the format given below:

  • Title - Link to the original image (if done digitally, otherwise name of the image)
  • Author/Collection - Collection the image is part of and mentioning it is part of UOA MSC with an embedded link to the website.
  • Licence - CC By 4.0 and a link to the licence.

It is recommended that you place the attribution underneath the image where it is used. If this is not possible, place it at the end of the document/post in a references section.