Careers Resources

Careers Resources

Our sample CVs are designed to give you ideas on the content and structure of an effective CV. They are only a guide, however, so make sure you choose the best way to present your experience.
You can use CareerSet and book an appointment with us to receive individual feedback on your draft CV.

Please note that all student names and contact details mentioned in the CVs are entirely fictional.

Example CVs

Sample CV - one page

This is a sample one-page CV. This would be suitable for applying for part-time jobs but also for other opportunities.

Sample CV - work experience

This is a sample CV for a third-year student applying for a summer internship.

Sample CV - scientific - industrial placement

This is a sample CV for a third-year MSci Biomedical Sciences student applying for an industrial placement as a formal part of the degree.

Sample CV - legal experience

This is a sample CV for an LLB student applying for legal work experience.

Sample CV - Accountancy (3rd year - Qatar campus)

This is a sample CV for a third year Accountancy student at the University of Aberdeen's Qatar campus.

Sample CV - technical - graduate jobs

This is a sample CV for a final year student applying for graduate jobs in a technical field.

Sample CV - postgraduate - arts and culture

This is a sample CV for Masters student applying for roles in arts and culture.

Sample CV - postgraduate - scientific

This is a sample CV for a Masters student in a scientific field applying for graduate and other entry-level roles relevant to her studies.

Sample CV - PhD - academic/research

This is a sample CV for a PhD student in a scientific discipline. It would be suitable for an application to an academic or research position.

Examples for Researchers (

The Vitae website contains an extensive list of example CVs for Researchers. You will need to register on the Vitae website to access this content (no payment required).