Careers Resources

In this section
Careers Resources


Clinical Psychology

Resources on careers in Clinical Psychology.

Counselling Psychology

Resources on careers in Counselling Psychology.

Educational Psychology

Resources on careers in Educational Psychology.

Forensic Psychology

Resources on careers in Forensic Psychology.

Health Psychology

Resources on careers in Health Psychology.

Occupational Psychology

Resources on careers in Occupational Psychology.

Sports and Exercise Psychology

Resources on careers in Sports and Exercise Psychology.

British Psychological Society

Professional body for psychology in the UK. Careers information about all branches of psychology and details of accredited courses.

What to do with your Psychology degree

Whether you are planning to pursue a career within the psychology profession or wondering how best to apply the skills you have gained during your studies to another vocation, this practical book will help you to explore the many avenues open to you.

  • Author: Matthew McDonald and Susmita Das
  • Published: 2008

You will find this book in the Careers Service library on the second floor of the Hub.

British Psychoanalytic Council

Contains details of postgraduate courses and qualifications.

Useful websites for Professional Psychology

Details of websites that provide useful information on professional careers in Psychology. Updated April 2021.

The Psychologist - careers articles

Free online access to articles published in the Psychologist magazine (outwith the last 12 months). The careers articles often feature useful case studies of people employed in this type of work.

Your journey into Psychology (British Psychological Society)

Visit the link below to download a Psychology careers guide. It provides an overview of psychology careers and provides advice on topics, such as finding work experience and becoming a member of the BPS.


YouTube channel for anyone with an interest in Psychology. There is a specific section for psychology students with advice on applications and career options.

Mini Career Course: Career Options in Psychology

This mini career course is intended to give you some starting points and further information about career areas that may be of interest to psychology students and graduates. It includes information on relevant work experience for those graduates who wish to pursue a psychology career. The course will take around 15-30 minutes to complete.