Folio 315v

Prayers in honour of the passion of Jesus Christ, continued

Burnet Psalter image.  University of Aberdeen. Pater noster.

Ave Maria.


Libera nos vel me salva nos\ vel me iustifica nos vel me o beata trinitas.

Litany with tropes and final collects.

Letania sanctorum.\

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Christe audi nos.\

Prayer, Pater de celis.

A prayer to God the Father, who sent his son to be sacrificed on the altar of the cross, asking that he may hear and have mercy on us.

Pater de celis deus qui pro salute mun\di unicum filium tuum ad immolandum\ in ara crucis misisti miserere nobis et exaudi nos.\

Prayer, Fili redemptor mundi.

A prayer to God the Son and Redeemer, who on his own shoulders carried the lost sheep back to the flock, asking him to have mercy on us.

Fili redemptor mundi deus qui per immensam\ clemenciam tuam ovem perditam propriis hume\ris ad gregem reportasti miserere nobis.

Prayer, Spiritus sancte deus.

A prayer to God the Holy Spirit, who made a virgin’s womb fertile with a child for the salvation of mankind, asking that he may hear and have mercy on us.

Spi\ritus sancte deus qui pro salute humani generis\ uterum intemerate virginis prole fecundasti mi\serere nobis et exaudi nos.

Prayer, Sancta trinitas unus.

A prayer to the Holy Trinity, the one God, who redeemed mankind from death with Christ’s blood, asking that he may have mercy, defend and comfort us.

Sancta trinitas unus\ deus qui mortem generis humani in sanguine\ domini nostri Ihesu Christi destruxisti miserere nobis et ad\iuva nos illumina nos salva nos protege nos\ defende nos custodi nos consolare nos.

Prayer, Sancta Maria ora.

A prayer to the Virgin Mary asking that through the passion and death of her son, she may pray for us and comfort us.

Sancta\ Maria ora pro nobis per passionem filii tui\ ora pro nobis et consolare nos. Sancta virgo vir\ginum per mortem filii tui ora pro nobis et conso\lare nos.

Prayer, Omnes sancti beatorum.

A prayer to all orders of blessed spirits asking that they pray for us, so that we may be worthy to rejoice ...

Omnes sancti beatorum spirituum ordines\ orate pro nobis; ut mereamur letificari et conso-\

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