Folio 102r
Devotions to the Virgin Mary, continued.
Hymn, Saluto te immaculata, continued.
... Gabriel (Luke, 1:28, 35). He asks that through the happiness which she felt on the night when she bore her son, the redeemer of the world, without pain and without the seed of a male, she may enable him to rejoice in time of trouble and deliver him from the snares of the devil and of the flesh, and from evil tongues, past, present and to come. He asks that as her virginity was kept pure, so may she be mindful of us. He asks that she may reconcile us with her son, that we may behold him with her forever.
Gabriel dicens, Ave gracia plena dominus te\cum. Spiritus sanctus superveniet in te et virtus\ altissimi obumbrabit tibi. Quod enim ex te\ nascetur et vocabitur filius dei. Deprecor te pi\issima domina propter illam leticiam quam ha\buisti in illa nocte quando peperisti filium tuum\ redemptorem mundi sine dolore et sine virili\ semine ut me letifices in omnibus tribulacio\nibus temptacionibus et necessitatibus meis et li\bera me ab insidiis diaboli invidi et carnis\ et ab omnibus malis linguis preteritis presenti\bus et futuris. Sicut tua sanctissima virgini\tas pura observatur, Sic esto nobis memor\ domina et filio tuo nos reconsilia ut ipsum tecum\ videre possimus, per cuncta seculorum secula. Amen.\
Prayer , Mater digna dei.
A hymn to the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ (see folio 122r; RH, 2, p 93). The author invokes her as his protector, guide and companion and asks her to have mercy on him. He invokes her as the light of day, she who is to be venerated, the queen of heaven, and asks her not to desert him. He asks Christ her son to have mercy on him.
Mater digna dei venie via luxque diei.
Sis tute\la rei duxque comesque mei.
O nata dei miserere\ mei.
O lux alma diei que digna es coli,
ac regi\na poli tu me relinquere noli.
Christe fili dei mise\rere mei.
Gloria tibi domine qui natus es de vir\gine
cum patre et sancto spiritu in sempiterna secula. Amen.\
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