Folio 101v
Devotions to the Virgin Mary, continued.
Hymn, Saluto te immaculata, continued.
Ave Maria.\
Prayer , O sanctissima et.
A prayer to the Virgin Mary. The author asks that when his eyes wander in the land of death, so clouded that they cannot see the light of this world; when he cannot form the words to call upon her; when his wretched, feeble heart so fears an incursion of foul spirits, that it beats rapidly and grows torpid, causing his limbs to shake at every move, showing the signs of dissolution and the deathly sweat of his approaching end; that then she may come to him with the whole choir of angels and may assist him with the entire heavenly host, bringing his departing soul before the judgement of her son, where it may be found worthy to don the apparel of heaven and join the angels in their celebrations.
O sanctissima et certissima spes omnium in\ te sperancium sancta Maria domina et\ matrona nostra ea hora qua terra mortis caligine\ oculi mei in tanto peregrinantur ut lucem huius se\culi videre non valeant et linguam meam mo\vere non possum ad invocandum te et meum mi\serum cor et valde fragile anxia trepidacione pre\ horribilissima immundorum spirituum invasione, Ita palpiter [palpitet] et stirpescit [stupescit] ut omnia officia mem\brorum meorum contremescant et in strage moribun\di sudoris premortua appareat. Adveni michi tunc\ domina cum omni choro angelorum et succurre\ michi cum omni milicia celorum. Et suscipe egredien\tem animam meam in tuam benedictam fidem et\ sub tua protectione et presenta eam ante tribunal\ filii tui ubi celeste [celesti] veste indui mereatur et ibi lau\dibus et festis angelorum associetur. Per dominum.\
Prayer, Saluto te immaculata.
A prayer of salutation to the Virgin Mary. The author invokes the words to her of the angel ...
Saluto te immaculata Maria angelo\rum regina celorum domina pro ea salu\tacione qua salutavit tibi angelus\
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