Folio 71v

Devotions to the cross and passion of Jesus Christ, continued.

Prayer, Domine Ihesu Christe fili dei vivi qui pendens.

A prayer to Jesus Christ. The author invokes Christ's words: 'Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do' (Luke, 23:34). He asks Christ, through these words, to forgive his enemies and to grant them what Christ knows to be necessary for their salvation.

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998.

Domine Ihesu Christe fili dei vivi qui pendens in cru\ce pro peccatoribus dixisti patri tuo, Pater\ dimitte illis quia nesciunt quid faci\unt scilicet pro crucifixoribus tuis orando. Obsecro\ te per hoc sacratissimum dictum tuum ut dimittas ma\lefactoribus meis peccata eorum et quid saluti eorum no\veris concede. Per te Ihesu Christe rex glorie salvator mundi.\ Qui cum deo patre et spiritu vivis et regnas.\

Prayer, Deus qui pro.

A prayer to God (see folios 37v, 73v; see HE, pp 83, 177) who, for the redemption of the world, was willing to be rejected by the Jews and betrayed by the kiss of the traitor, Judas; to be bound with fetters, beaten and led like an innocent lamb to sacrifice; to be brought in innocence before Annas, Caiaphas, Herod and Pilate and accused by false witnesses; to be insulted and spat upon, crowned with thorns and beaten; to be raised on the cross, wounded with a spear, placed between two thieves and pierced by nails; to be given vinegar and gall to drink; to die.

Deus qui pro redempcione mundi a Iude\is reprobari voluisti et a Iuda tradito\re osculo tradi et vinculis alligari\ colaphis cedi sicut agnus innocens ad victimam\ duci ante conspectum Anne Cayphe Herodis et Pi\lati innocenter offerri voluisti a falsis quoque te\stibus accusari flagellis et obprobriis vexari et con\spui sputis, spinis coronari colaphis cedi, in cru\ce levari lancea vulnerari atque inter duos latrones\ deputari clavorum quoque aculeis perforari, felle et\ aceto potari, et mori. Tu domine per has sanctissi\mas passiones tuas quas ego indignus et\ fragilis peccator recolo et per sanctam mortem tuam,\

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