Folio 69r

Devotions to the cross and passion of Jesus Christ, continued.

Prayer, O crux gloriosa, continued.

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998.

[Psalm 150] Laudate dominum in sanctis eius, et cetera.

Pater noster.


[Psalm 50] Miserere mei deus secundum etc.

Pater noster.



Prayer, Per gloriam et.

A prayer to Jesus Christ, invoking the sign of the cross. The author asks Christ, through the glory and virtue of his cross, to save him from his enemy, to keep at a distance his enemy's weapons and poisons, to mortify in him the desires of the flesh, and to protect him in the shadow of Christ's wings. He asks Christ to deliver him from sickness, defeat and the dangers of each day; and, should he suffer illness or affliction on account of his sins, to restore him. He asks that, under Christ's protection, he may never be delivered to his enemies, visible and invisible; that Christ, in his anger may not reprove him but, whenever he strays, may recall him and keep him, renewed by Christ's fatherly love.


Per gloriam et virtutem sancte\ crucis tue Ihesu Christe cuius signa+cu\lum michiipso sano corde et corpore salva\ me ab hoste et arma atque venena illius lon\ge fac a me concupiscencias carnales. Morti\fica in me, sub umbra alarum tuarum protege me.\ Et per hoc signum + sancte crucis tue domine Ihesu Christe\ a languoribus diversis et cladibus atque periculis co\tidianis libera me et si infirmitas vel tribula\cio pro peccatis meis advenerit tu eam sicut vis et si\cut scis tempora [tempera] vivifica. Presta eciam domine ut\ per te protectus numquam inimicis meis visibilibus\ et invisibilibus tradar, sed pocius bone Ihesu sal\vator meus in misericordia tua et non in furore tuo\ corripias me ut ubicumque oberravero a te revo\ca me ad te domine atque renovatum tua paterna me\ pietate semper custodi. Qui vivis.

Domine exaudi.


Prayer, Deus qui manus.

A prayer to God.

Deus qui manus tuas et pedes tuos\ et totum corpus tuum pro nobis mise-\

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