Folio 68v

Devotions to the cross and passion of Jesus Christ, continued.

Introduction to the prayer, O crux gloriosa, continued.

Whoever says this prayer each day cannot be harmed by the devil or harassed by any man; if he asks God for something in a righteous way, he will receive it; and when his soul leaves his body, it will be delivered from hell.

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998.

cotidie devote dixerit diabolus ei nocere non potest\ nec ullus homo ei impedire potest et quicumque a deo\ iuste pecierit dabitur ei. Et quando anima eius egres\sa fuerit de corpore liberabitur ab inferno.

Prayer, O crux gloriosa.

A prayer invoking the cross as the sign by which the devil was defeated and the world redeemed by Christ's blood; and as the wood which carried the ransom of this world. The author asks that the cross may be as a refuge; that it may afford him protection and help.


O Crux gloriosa. O crux admiranda. O\ lignum preciosum. O admirabile sig\num per quod diabolus est victus et\ mundus Christi sanguine redemptus que sola fu\isti mater Christi et redemptoris. O lignum dulces\ clavos dulce pondus sustinens que digna fu\isti portare precium huius seculi. Crux domini sit mecum.\ Crux sicut [nidi]. Crux sit salus. Crux sicut ri\pa. Crux michi prodest protectio et adiutorium. In\ presenti et in futuro et in secula seculorum. Amen.\

Prayer, Adoramus te Christe.

A prayer adoring and blessing Jesus Christ because he redeemed the world with his death on the cross; the author asks for Christ's mercy upon us.

Adoramus te Christe et Ihesu et benedici\mus tibi [et benedicimus tibi]. Quia\ per sanctam crucem tuam et piissimam mor\tem redemisti mundum miserere nobis.

Pater\ noster.

Et Ave Maria.

Psalmus [122] Ad te levavi oculos.

Pater noster.\

Psalmus [53] Deus in nomine tuo salvum me fac.

Pater noster.\

Psalmus [66] Deus misereatur nostri.

Pater noster.


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