Folio 12r

Miscellaneous devotions.
Introduction to prayer. Domine deus omnipotens.

Whoever says the following prayer daily will be pardoned for his sins and will die in grace wherever he may be. If he says it before going on a journey, he will travel safely and swiftly. If he presents a woman in labour with water over which this prayer has been said, she will have a quick and easy birth; in addition to the prayer, the mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary (SM, p 388) should be celebrated once. If he places the prayer over his head before entering the presence of kings or nobles he will be treated favorably by them and will be victorious in battle. If he gives a banquet and says this prayer over the food and drink, his guests will enjoy themselves and honour him for it. For this prayer is full of the virtue and grace of the Holy Spirit.

Burnet Psalt
er sample image

Quicumque istam oracionem sequentem coti\die devote dicit de peccatis suis indulgen\cia habebit et nunquam mala morte mo\rietur sed bonam graciam optinebit ubique. Et si in\ aliquo itinere ire voluit et hanc oracionem dixit numquam\ in via perturbacione habebit, sed bene expediet. Aquam\ de fonte accipiat et istam oracionem ultra aquam dicat\ et mulieri in partu laboranti exhibeat et statim per\ dei graciam bono modo deliberata erit. Fac eciam super istam or\acionem semel celebrari missam beate Marie virginis scilicet\ Vultum tuum deprecabuntur. Et illam oracionem super\ caput suum ponat antequam inerit coram regibus vel\ coram quibuscumque magnatibus et habebit ab eis\ graciam et honorem et illo die non erit in prelio victus.\ Et si dedit convivium aliquibus dicat istam oracionem ul\tra cibum et potum et erit ampliacio bona in eisdem et\ omnes exinde commedentes vel bibentes omnimodas sibi\ reddant graciarum acciones pariter et honores quia con\vivium illud placebit eisdem. Nam ista oracio sequens,\ scilicet Domine deus omnipotens pater et filius et spiritus\ sanctus da michi famulo tuo N plena est virtute\

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