Editorial conventions


Previous numbering of the 322 folios of the manuscript follows several systems and contains some errors. Moreover, the earliest and most prominent system excludes the first eleven folios, which contain the Calendar. For the purposes of this project, therefore, the folios have been re-numbered on-screen in a single sequence.

Numeration of the Psalms

The Psalms in the Psalter are enumerated from 1-150 in the manuscript. In the Authorised Version, however, Psalm 9 and Psalm 10 are combined to form Psalm 9; Psalms 114 & 115 are also conflated to form 113; and Psalm 116 is divided to form psalms 114 & 115. Thus the manuscript psalms 1-9 are represented by Authorised Version 1-10 , manuscript 10 -113 are represented by Authorised Version 11- 115, manuscript 114 -146 are represented by Authorised Version 116- 147. Manuscript 147-150 are represented by Authorised Version 147-150.

Editorial conventions

Editorial conventions in this project have been kept to the minimum, on the grounds that the manuscript text is visible alongside the transcription, and there is no need, therefore, to reproduce it in a stylised format. In what follows, BP = Burnet Psalter; �collated texts� are those indicated by abbreviations in the summaries preceding each prayer, hymn or lesson (below, #5).

1 Fonts and Brackets
Italics Used for words in BP which are not found in the collated text and do not seem to be the result of a scribal error.
( ) Enclose bibliographical references. References prefixed �see� are to texts which are similar or related but not identical.
< > Enclose words which are not in BP but are found in the collated text. They are reproduced in the form in which they appear.
[ ] Enclose words in BP which are not found in the collated text and seem to be the result of scribal error, such as mistranscription and dittography.

Indicate scribal errors and corrections, editorial amendments, and suggested readings. The word is transcribed as in BP and followed by the correction, amendment or suggestion, enclosed.

Enclose words added to the text to clarify or identify passages, such as [Psalm].

Enclose text supplied in gaps left by excised miniatures.

2 Punctuation

The manuscript uses five forms:

  • Point on the line: represented in the transcription by a full stop.
  • Point midway above the line: represented by a comma.
  • Colon: occurs mainly in psalms; represented by a semi colon;.
  • Question mark: an inverted semi-colon; occurs mainly in psalms.
  • Hyphens: two hairline strokes; used irregularly; transcribed only when they appear in the last word on a page.

Points on and above the line are often hard to distinguish. Before a capital, they are represented as a full stop. Elsewhere, they are been represented as full stops or commas according to the sense.

3 Capitalisation

This is reproduced as in the manuscript, except for personal and place names, which have been capitalised throughout.

4 Abbreviations

These have been expanded silently throughout.


Collated Texts
AH 15 G M Dreves, Pia Dictamina: Reimgebete und Leselieder des Mittelalters, 1 (Leipzig, 1893)
AH 20 G M Dreves, Cantiones et Muteti: Lieder und Motetten des Mittelalters, 1 (Leipzig, 1895)
AH 29 C Blume, Pia Dictamina: Reimgebete und Leselieder des Mittelalters, 2 (Leipzig, 1898)
AH 30 G M Dreves, Pia Dictamina: Reimgebete und Leselieder des Mittelalters, 3 (Leipzig, 1898)
AH 31 C Blume, Pia Dictamina: Reimgebete und Leselieder des Mittelalters, 4 (Leipzig, 1898)
AH 32 G M Dreves, Pia Dictamina: Reimgebete und Leselieder des Mittelalters, 5 (Leipzig, 1899)
AH 33 C Blume, Pia Dictamina: Reimgebete und Leselieder des Mittelalters, 6 (Leipzig, 1899)
AH 54 C Blume and H M Bannister, Thesauri Hymnologici Prosarium 1: Liturgische Prosen des Ubergangsstiles und der zweiten Epoche ... (Leipzig, 1915)
BES Breviarium ad Usum Insignis Ecclesiae Sarum, ed F Procter and C Wordsworth (3 vols, Cambridge, 1879-86, reprinted 1970).
HE Horae Eboracenses: the Prymer or Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary according to the use of the Illustrious Church of York, ed C Wordsworth (Surtees Society, 132; 1920).
HL Hymni Latini Medii Aevi, ed F J Mone (3 vols, Freiburg,1853-5).
MR Missale Romanum, Mediolani, 1474, ed R Lippe (Henry Bradshaw Society, 17, 33; 2 vols, 1899-1907).
RH U Chevalier, Repertorium Hymnologicum (3 vols, Louvain, 1892-1904).
SA E Duffy, The Stripping of the Altars: traditional religion in England, c 1400-c1580 (New Haven,1992).
SM The Sarum Missal, ed J Wickham Legg (Oxford, 1916, reprinted 1969).
SME The Sarum Missal in English, ed F E Warren (2 vols, London, 1911).

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