Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is commonly used to look for inflammation in the sacroiliac joints (the joints where the spine meets the pelvis), something which is a key feature of axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). Many patients with axSpA take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to help manage their pain. The use of NSAIDs may hide the appearance of inflammation in the sacroiliac joints when viewed on MRI. If this is true, it (a) may prevent some patients from receiving the correct diagnosis; and (b) may mean that some patients are unable to be given the most appropriate medication for their disease.
DyNAMISM, funded by Arthritis Research UK (ARUK) will investigate whether, among male patients with axSpA, the use of NSAIDs reduces the appearance of inflammation in the sacroiliac joints when viewed with MRI. This will allow us to investigate whether a ‘NSAIDs free’ period helps doctors make a diagnosis of axSpA and whether patients can tolerate a short period without their NSAIDs, although other pain medication may be taken during this period if required.
Approximately 500 participants across the UK will take part. After stopping taking any NSAIDs for one week, participants have an MRI scan of their sacroiliac joints. After the scan, participants restart their usual NSAIDs medication. Depending on the results of the first scan, some participants will be asked to return for a second scan six weeks later. Participants provide a blood sample and complete questionnaires at each study visit.
DyNAMISM is led by Dr Gareth Jones based at the University of Aberdeen.
For more information please see the DyNAMISM Study Website
- CHaRT email; chart@abdn.ac.uk