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ALLEGRO is a research study investigating if Intravenous (IV) Lidocaine improves recovery of gut function after colorectal surgery for NHS patients.

Lidocaine (a local anaesthetic) used intravenously (through the vein) has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation after surgery and seems to help other aspects of recovery that may be important for return of gut function, for example reducing nausea and vomiting.

ALLEGRO is a multicentre randomised controlled trial, funded by NIHR HTA Programme.

The Allegro study aims to find out if IV Lidocaine can help improve the recovery of gut function in patients after bowel surgery compared to placebo (or dummy) IV in 562 participants. The primary outcome is how quickly gut function returns.

ALLEGRO is led by Mr Hugh Paterson, based at University of Edinburgh.

For more information, please see the ALLEGRO Study Website


