TCM series; Public Talk Traditional Chinese Medicine

Confucius Institute

Providing Chinese language teaching and cultural classes and events to the North East Scotland community

TCM series; Public Talk Traditional Chinese Medicine

This is a past event

Do you know anything about Traditional Chinese medicine (also known as TCM)? Have you ever received any TCM treatment? Perhaps you have noticed the purple "tattoo" on the back of American swimming athlete Michael Phelps. Of course, it is not tattoo. It is a mark caused by cupping, which is one of many TCM treatments.

Confucius Institute of the University of Aberdeen together with the Rowett Institute present;

Dr Yukun Xia

TCM is an integral part of Chinese culture. Its origin can be traced back to remote antiquity. Although its basic theory is different from western medicine, it does have some similarity with western medicine. And some special techniques in TCM are convenient, cheap and useful. Today both TCM and western medicine are being used in providing medical and health services in China. In our clinical practice, we combine TCM with western medicine to cure some diseases and achieve good effect with low expense and short period of treatment.

Confucius Institute of the University of Aberdeen together with the Rowett Institute present;
Hosted by
Confucius Institute
Suttie Centre for Teaching and Learning in Healthcare