- Biological Science
Who to contact with queries
Amie Connolly
Where to send annual reports
sbsteaching@abdn.ac.uk Where to send expense claims
Amie Connolly
School of Biological Sciences
University of Aberdeen
Zoology Building
King’s College Campus
Aberdeen, AB24 2TZ
- Business
Who to contact with queries
Louise McKenzie
Where to send annual reports
louise.mckenzie@abdn.ac.uk Where to send expense claims
Business School
University of Aberdeen
MacRobert Building
King’s College Campus
Aberdeen, AB24 5UA
- Divinity, History, Philosophy and Art History
Who to contact with queries
Kate Smith
Where to send annual reports
k.a.smith@abdn.ac.uk Where to send expense claims
Farida Ali dhpa-pgr-admin@abdn.ac.uk
- Education
Who to contact with queries
Lorna Thomson
(lorna.thomson@abdn.ac.uk) (Maternity Leave cover)
Sharon Palla (Maternity Leave)
Where to send annual reports
(lorna.thomson@abdn.ac.uk) (Maternity Leave cover) Where to send expense claims
School of Education
MacRobert Building
University of Aberdeen
King’s College Campus
Aberdeen, AB24 5UA
- Engineering
Who to contact with queries
Yvonne Davidson
Where to send annual reports
y.davidson@abdn.ac.uk Where to send expense claims
Lisa Clydesdale
School of Engineering
University of Aberdeen
Fraser Noble Building
King’s College Campus
Aberdeen, AB24 3UE
- Geosciences
Who to contact with queries
Ann Simpson
Where to send annual reports
a.simpson@abdn.ac.uk Where to send expense claims
School of Geosciences
Room G05H, Meston Building
King’s College Campus, University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen, AB24 3UE
- Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
Who to contact with queries
General queries: Jon Cameron jon.cameron@abdn.ac.uk
Expense claims queries: Julia Kotzur julia.kotzur@abdn.ac.uk
Where to send annual reports
thomas.connolly2@abdn.ac.uk Where to send expense claims
Dr J Kotzur
School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture
University of Aberdeen
Room A05-13, Taylor Building
King’s College Campus
Aberdeen, AB24 3UB
- Law
Who to contact with queries
lawschoolexternalexaminers@abdn.ac.uk Where to send annual reports
lawschoolexternalexaminers@abdn.ac.uk Where to send expense claims
School of Law
University of Aberdeen
Taylor Building
King’s College Campus
Aberdeen, AB24 3UB
- Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
Who to contact with queries
Christine Kay
Where to send annual reports
smmsnextexam@abdn.ac.uk Where to send expense claims
Suzanne Cameron
Assessment Office
Room 0:050, Polwarth Building
University of Aberdeen
Foresterhill Campus
Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD
- Natural & Computing Sciences
Who to contact with queries
ncs.office@abdn.ac.uk Where to send annual reports
ncs.office@abdn.ac.uk Where to send expense claims
School of Natural and Computing Sciences
University of Aberdeen
School Office, Meston Building
King’s College Campus
Aberdeen, AB24 3UE
- Psychology
Who to contact with queries
Rhona Moore
Where to send annual reports
psych@abdn.ac.uk Where to send expense claims
School of Psychology
University of Aberdeen
William Guild Building
King’s College Campus
Aberdeen, AB24 3FX
- Social Science
Who to contact with queries
Pam Thomson pam.thomson@abdn.ac.uk
cc. Ms Jill Davis j.davis@abdn.ac.uk
Where to send annual reports
socsci@abdn.ac.uk Where to send expense claims
School of Social Science
University of Aberdeen
Edward Wright Building
King’s College Campus
Aberdeen, AB24 3QY