Committees & Groups
A Performance Management Group provides a forum in which the strategic partners in the programme - the University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen City Council, Scottish Swimming, and Aberdeen Sports Village - alongside a representative of the Club Management Committee, can reflect on the progress of the programme and set its strategic direction and targets.
The programme itself was established in 2017 and as part of that process a Strategic Framework has been developed to capture elements ranging from performance ambition, training culture, and resilience. A version of that document has been approved by PMG for publication online as Strategic Framework 2017-2021 .
The day-to-day conduct of the Club element of the programme is overseen by a volunteer-run Management Committee, with volunteers drawn primarily from the parents of swimmers in the programme.
Full details of the Club's governance arrangements, including details of its policies and volunteer committee members, are now held on the Team Unify website maintained by the Club volunteers.