Advanced Entry

Support for directly entering 2nd or 3rd year

This resource is for students who have entered university directly into L2 or L3 of studies. We understand that this can be a daunting time, and you may have many questions about what the experience is like, what your studies will involve, and what skills you might find useful as a UoA student.

This resource has been designed with you in mind – it contains a series of videos made by your peers; people who have been in the same situation as yourself. You will also find some written blogs by students about their experience, as well as some useful resources and guides. We hope this helps answer some questions that you might have.

We would appreciate any feedback you have about the resource and if you feel there's anything we can do to improve it - let us know by using our evaluation questionnaire.

Remember you can always reach out for help. We have included some useful guides and links for times when you may need support.

Last updated on 11 July 2024