Digital Skills
Showing featured Digital Skills tools-
Graphics: Create images with CanvaFreemium editor for infographics & posts
Note-takingStrategies, advice & apps for taking better notes
ProgrammingLearn computer programming skills
Academic Integrity & ReferencingGuidance on avoiding academic misconduct
Time ManagementMake plans, prioritise and keep track of projects
IT Induction for New StudentsAll the IT essentials you need to get started
Academic Integrity & ReferencingGuidance on avoiding academic misconduct
Accessibility for Authors/CreatorsGuidance about making your content accessible
Accessibility for UsersMake content more accessible on your devices at home
AcrobatGetting started with Adobe Acrobat
Adobe SignSign documents and forms digitally
Audio: Record & Edit with AudacityHow to produce audio for free using Audacity
Digital WellbeingImprove your relationship with technology
FutureLearnFree online courses & MOOCS to improve your Digital Skills
Generative AIIntroduction to Generative AI
Google Analytics AcademyLearn analytics with free online courses
Google Digital GarageFree digital skills training for data, tech and marketing
Graphics: Create images with CanvaFreemium editor for infographics & posts
Graphics: Create Posters with MicrosoftUse PowerPoint for posters
Graphics: Create vectors with Adobe IllustratorPremium graphic design software
Graphics: Edit images with Adobe PhotoshopPremium graphic design software
Graphics: Edit images with PhotopeaFree advanced image editor, vector or photo
Information SecurityFind out how to keep your digital world safe
IT Induction for New StudentsAll the IT essentials you need to get started
IT SkillsAn introduction to basic IT skills for beginners
LaTeXMark-up language for technical or scientific documents
MATLABA programming language that expresses matrix & array mathematics directly
MS ExcelA guide to using Microsoft's spreadsheet program
MS PowerPointGuidance, tutorials and tips for presenting
MS VisioMicrosoft's flowchart and diagram software
MS WordGet started with Microsoft Word and learn how to mail merge
MS Word: Long DocumentsLearn how to use long documents in Word
Note-takingStrategies, advice & apps for taking better notes
PodcastingA guide to podcasting
ProgrammingLearn computer programming skills
QR CodesCreate, manage and use QR codes
Time ManagementMake plans, prioritise and keep track of projects
Video: Create animation with SparkolEasy whiteboard-style animations
Video: Edit video with OpenShotFree video editing software
Video: Edit with Premiere ProHow to edit video using Adobe Premiere Pro
Video: Produce a 'talking head'Guidance about planning, filming & editing
University Systems and Software
Showing featured University Systems and Software tools-
MyCurriculumOur online course selection system
MyTimetableSign up to tutorials, labs & practicals for your personal timetable
MS OutlookUniversity email service Outlook, part of Office 365
IT Account: MFASet up Multi Factor Authentication
Wireless ConnectionConnect your devices to University wireless
MyAberdeen: StudentsLearn about the University's virtual learning environment
Box of BroadcastsVLE-compatible radio and on-demand TV recordings
Calendaring for Staff & PGRHow do I use my Outlook calendar?
Classroom PCsPC locations, etiquette, software & how to find free PCs
Data Management PlanLearn how to write a DMP
Data StorageUniversity data storage services and locations
Staff and Students access only Data Storage for ResearchersStorage options and information for PGRs
Decision TimeAll-in-one board, meeting and risk management
Digitally Enhanced Teaching SpacesGuidance for using DETS teaching rooms
DORAWhat is the Declaration on Research Assesment?
Staff access only EventsAIRAll-in-one event management solution for staff
Staff and Students access only GartnerResearch and analysis for global IT Industry
Staff and Students access only GlowSchool of Education: How to use Glow account (University login required)
Grampian Data Safe HavenAn introduction to the Safe Haven facility
H DriveReliable, secure, personal filespace on the University network
High Performance ComputingServices for solving complex computational problems
IT Account: MFASet up Multi Factor Authentication
IT Account: Password ResetManage your University password
LegantoThe University's reading list management system
Microsoft 365: Apps & ServicesIncluding Office apps and free install guidance
MS OneDriveCloud based file storage from Microsoft
MS OutlookUniversity email service Outlook, part of Office 365
MS SharePointGuidance for using Microsoft SharePoint
MS TeamsInformation on using Microsoft Teams
My Identity for Staff & PGRUnderstand your various credentials
My Identity for Students (UG & PGT)Understand your various credentials
MyAberdeen & Turnitin Assignments for StaffGuidance and support for staff
MyAberdeen & Turnitin Assignments for StudentsIntroduction and guidance
Staff access only MyAberdeen AdminStaff resource detailing C7 processes and grade management
MyAberdeen: StaffLearn about the University's virtual learning environment.
MyAberdeen: StudentsLearn about the University's virtual learning environment
MyCurriculumOur online course selection system
MySkillsEnhance your transferable & professional skills
MyTimetableSign up to tutorials, labs & practicals for your personal timetable
NVivoOrganise and analyse non-numerical or unstructured data
Online RegistrationFind out how to register for a new academic year
PanoptoRecord a lecture for your students, using Panopto
PrintingUse printers on the campus network, even from your own device
PureLearn more about the University of Aberdeen's research information system
Remote AccessOff campus access to drives and software (VDI, VPN)
SafePodStandardised safe setting for secure data access
SNAPUse SNAP to collect and manage online survey data
SPSSA software package used for interactive, or batched statistical analysis.
Vevox Polling SoftwareMake your session interactive with polls
Wireless ConnectionConnect your devices to University wireless
ZendToShare large files with internal or external collaborators
University Services and Schools
Showing featured University Services and Schools tools-
Academic Skills: Study StrategiesUniversity support to improve study skills
LibraryFind out about libraries available at UoA and how to use them
CounsellingFind out more about the University's Counselling Service
IT Service DeskGet help from IT experts using our Chat service
Academic Skills: Academic WritingUniversity support to improve your writing
Academic Skills: FeedbackUnderstand and use marker feedback effectively
Aberdeen Sports VillageWorld class facilities with opportunities for everyone
Academic Skills: Academic WritingUniversity support to improve your writing
Academic Skills: FeedbackUnderstand and use marker feedback effectively
Academic Skills: MathsMaths Support at the University of Aberdeen
Academic Skills: OnlineUniversity-based online skill development
Academic Skills: Scholarly PublishingLearn more about creative commons licences
Academic Skills: Study StrategiesUniversity support to improve study skills
Advanced EntrySupport for directly entering 2nd or 3rd year
AnatomyLearn about Anatomy practical classes and effective revision
Assistive Technology ServiceSupporting individuals through use of technology
BeWellActivities to support your wellbeing
CounsellingFind out more about the University's Counselling Service
Decolonising the CurriculumPractical advice and guidance
Disability ServiceAdvice, information and practical support for all students
GraduationFind out about preparing for your graduation
Graduation: Degree ClassificationHow your degree is classified
Health CoachingAchieve the positive lifestyle changes that matter to you
Staff access only Infohub: Guides for StaffGuidance and procedures for Infohub staff
Information GovernanceUniversity guidance for handling information about people
International Study SkillsAcademic skills for international students
International: Incoming StudentsFor international students studying at UoA
International: Outgoing StudentsFor UoA students travelling abroad for study
IT Service DeskGet help from IT experts using our Chat service
IT ServicesOverview of computing facilities
IT Services for ResearchersTools & facilities specifically for researchers
LibraryFind out about libraries available at UoA and how to use them
MicroscopyLearn about the different types of Microscopy available at IMS
Multi-Faith ChaplaincyIntroduction to the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Centre
MyCareerHubHow the Careers & Employability Service can support you
Physiology & PharmacologyLearn how to use pipettes properly in a lab environment
SafeZoneFree safety app to use on campus
Productivity Tools
Showing featured Productivity tools-
CrashCourse Study SkillsStudy tips, note taking, getting organised and more!
Geeky MedicsA free medical revision platform for medics, by medics
Pomodoro TechniqueImprove your productivity with healthy time management
Global AutoCorrectAutomated, intelligent spell-checker
NotionProductivity and note-taking application - write, think, plan
MindGeniusMindmapping & project management tool
bSafe'Never walk alone' safety app
ClaroSoftware to support reading, writing and study
CrashCourse Study SkillsStudy tips, note taking, getting organised and more!
Dark ReaderEye-care extension for your browser
ForestFocus and motivation eco app
Geeky MedicsA free medical revision platform for medics, by medics
Global AutoCorrectAutomated, intelligent spell-checker
GoConqrPersonal learning environment and all-in-one revision tool
GrammarlyCompose mistake-free writing with an AI-powered writing assistant
Habitica: Gamify LifeHabit-building, motivation & progress tracker
HeadspaceMindfulness and meditation for stress, anxiety & focus
IFTTT'If This Then That' is tech automation with no coding!
LivescribeSync audio & written notes using a Smartpen for better study materials
MindGeniusMindmapping & project management tool
MS PlannerKanban-style visual planning tool
myNoiseBlock distractions with custom soundscapes
NotionProductivity and note-taking application - write, think, plan
OpenDyslexicA unique free font to improve readability
Pomodoro TechniqueImprove your productivity with healthy time management
WorkflowyA simple but powerful outlining tool for organising
WYSAStress, sleep & mindfulness therapy chatbot
Choose collection
- New Student
- New Staff
- Assistive Technology
- Health and Wellbeing
- Undergraduate
- Final Year
- International
- Postgraduate Taught
- Postgraduate Research
- Staff
Academic Integrity & ReferencingGuidance on avoiding academic misconduct
Classroom PCsPC locations, etiquette, software & how to find free PCs
IT Account: MFASet up Multi Factor Authentication
IT Service DeskGet help from IT experts using our Chat service
LibraryFind out about libraries available at UoA and how to use them
Microsoft 365: Apps & ServicesIncluding Office apps and free install guidance
MS OneDriveCloud based file storage from Microsoft
MS OutlookUniversity email service Outlook, part of Office 365
My Identity for Students (UG & PGT)Understand your various credentials
MyAberdeen: StudentsLearn about the University's virtual learning environment
MyCurriculumOur online course selection system
MyTimetableSign up to tutorials, labs & practicals for your personal timetable
Online RegistrationFind out how to register for a new academic year
Wireless ConnectionConnect your devices to University wireless
Accessibility for Authors/CreatorsGuidance about making your content accessible
Calendaring for Staff & PGRHow do I use my Outlook calendar?
Information GovernanceUniversity guidance for handling information about people
Information SecurityFind out how to keep your digital world safe
IT Account: MFASet up Multi Factor Authentication
IT Account: Password ResetManage your University password
IT Service DeskGet help from IT experts using our Chat service
Microsoft 365: Apps & ServicesIncluding Office apps and free install guidance
MS SharePointGuidance for using Microsoft SharePoint
MS TeamsInformation on using Microsoft Teams
My Identity for Staff & PGRUnderstand your various credentials
MyAberdeen: StaffLearn about the University's virtual learning environment.
Remote AccessOff campus access to drives and software (VDI, VPN)
Wireless ConnectionConnect your devices to University wireless
Accessibility for Authors/CreatorsGuidance about making your content accessible
Accessibility for UsersMake content more accessible on your devices at home
Assistive Technology ServiceSupporting individuals through use of technology
ClaroSoftware to support reading, writing and study
Disability ServiceAdvice, information and practical support for all students
Global AutoCorrectAutomated, intelligent spell-checker
GrammarlyCompose mistake-free writing with an AI-powered writing assistant
IT SkillsAn introduction to basic IT skills for beginners
LivescribeSync audio & written notes using a Smartpen for better study materials
MindGeniusMindmapping & project management tool
myNoiseBlock distractions with custom soundscapes
OpenDyslexicA unique free font to improve readability
Pomodoro TechniqueImprove your productivity with healthy time management
WorkflowyA simple but powerful outlining tool for organising
Aberdeen Sports VillageWorld class facilities with opportunities for everyone
Assistive Technology ServiceSupporting individuals through use of technology
BeWellActivities to support your wellbeing
bSafe'Never walk alone' safety app
CounsellingFind out more about the University's Counselling Service
Dark ReaderEye-care extension for your browser
Digital WellbeingImprove your relationship with technology
Disability ServiceAdvice, information and practical support for all students
ForestFocus and motivation eco app
HeadspaceMindfulness and meditation for stress, anxiety & focus
Health CoachingAchieve the positive lifestyle changes that matter to you
Information SecurityFind out how to keep your digital world safe
Multi-Faith ChaplaincyIntroduction to the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Centre
myNoiseBlock distractions with custom soundscapes
Pomodoro TechniqueImprove your productivity with healthy time management
SafeZoneFree safety app to use on campus
Time ManagementMake plans, prioritise and keep track of projects
WYSAStress, sleep & mindfulness therapy chatbot
Academic Integrity & ReferencingGuidance on avoiding academic misconduct
Academic Skills: Academic WritingUniversity support to improve your writing
Academic Skills: FeedbackUnderstand and use marker feedback effectively
Academic Skills: MathsMaths Support at the University of Aberdeen
Academic Skills: OnlineUniversity-based online skill development
Academic Skills: Study StrategiesUniversity support to improve study skills
bSafe'Never walk alone' safety app
CrashCourse Study SkillsStudy tips, note taking, getting organised and more!
Generative AIIntroduction to Generative AI
Graduation: Degree ClassificationHow your degree is classified
Information SecurityFind out how to keep your digital world safe
IT Account: MFASet up Multi Factor Authentication
IT Account: Password ResetManage your University password
IT Service DeskGet help from IT experts using our Chat service
IT ServicesOverview of computing facilities
MS PlannerKanban-style visual planning tool
My Identity for Students (UG & PGT)Understand your various credentials
MyAberdeen & Turnitin Assignments for StudentsIntroduction and guidance
MyAberdeen: StudentsLearn about the University's virtual learning environment
MyCareerHubHow the Careers & Employability Service can support you
MySkillsEnhance your transferable & professional skills
MyTimetableSign up to tutorials, labs & practicals for your personal timetable
Note-takingStrategies, advice & apps for taking better notes
Online RegistrationFind out how to register for a new academic year
SafeZoneFree safety app to use on campus
Time ManagementMake plans, prioritise and keep track of projects
Academic Skills: Academic WritingUniversity support to improve your writing
Academic Skills: MathsMaths Support at the University of Aberdeen
Academic Skills: OnlineUniversity-based online skill development
Academic Skills: Study StrategiesUniversity support to improve study skills
GraduationFind out about preparing for your graduation
Graduation: Degree ClassificationHow your degree is classified
IT Account: MFASet up Multi Factor Authentication
IT Service DeskGet help from IT experts using our Chat service
MS Word: Long DocumentsLearn how to use long documents in Word
MySkillsEnhance your transferable & professional skills
Time ManagementMake plans, prioritise and keep track of projects
Academic Skills: Academic WritingUniversity support to improve your writing
Academic Skills: FeedbackUnderstand and use marker feedback effectively
Academic Skills: MathsMaths Support at the University of Aberdeen
Academic Skills: OnlineUniversity-based online skill development
Academic Skills: Study StrategiesUniversity support to improve study skills
Assistive Technology ServiceSupporting individuals through use of technology
bSafe'Never walk alone' safety app
Classroom PCsPC locations, etiquette, software & how to find free PCs
Information SecurityFind out how to keep your digital world safe
International Study SkillsAcademic skills for international students
International: Incoming StudentsFor international students studying at UoA
International: Outgoing StudentsFor UoA students travelling abroad for study
IT Account: MFASet up Multi Factor Authentication
IT Service DeskGet help from IT experts using our Chat service
IT ServicesOverview of computing facilities
IT SkillsAn introduction to basic IT skills for beginners
LibraryFind out about libraries available at UoA and how to use them
My Identity for Students (UG & PGT)Understand your various credentials
MyAberdeen: StudentsLearn about the University's virtual learning environment
Online RegistrationFind out how to register for a new academic year
Wireless ConnectionConnect your devices to University wireless
Academic Integrity & ReferencingGuidance on avoiding academic misconduct
Academic Skills: Academic WritingUniversity support to improve your writing
Academic Skills: FeedbackUnderstand and use marker feedback effectively
Academic Skills: MathsMaths Support at the University of Aberdeen
Academic Skills: OnlineUniversity-based online skill development
Academic Skills: Study StrategiesUniversity support to improve study skills
bSafe'Never walk alone' safety app
DORAWhat is the Declaration on Research Assesment?
Generative AIIntroduction to Generative AI
Staff and Students access only GlowSchool of Education: How to use Glow account (University login required)
Information SecurityFind out how to keep your digital world safe
IT Account: MFASet up Multi Factor Authentication
IT Account: Password ResetManage your University password
IT Service DeskGet help from IT experts using our Chat service
IT ServicesOverview of computing facilities
LibraryFind out about libraries available at UoA and how to use them
Microsoft 365: Apps & ServicesIncluding Office apps and free install guidance
MS PlannerKanban-style visual planning tool
My Identity for Students (UG & PGT)Understand your various credentials
MyAberdeen: StudentsLearn about the University's virtual learning environment
Online RegistrationFind out how to register for a new academic year
PodcastingA guide to podcasting
Remote AccessOff campus access to drives and software (VDI, VPN)
Time ManagementMake plans, prioritise and keep track of projects
Academic Integrity & ReferencingGuidance on avoiding academic misconduct
Academic Skills: Scholarly PublishingLearn more about creative commons licences
bSafe'Never walk alone' safety app
Calendaring for Staff & PGRHow do I use my Outlook calendar?
Data Management PlanLearn how to write a DMP
Staff and Students access only Data Storage for ResearchersStorage options and information for PGRs
Decolonising the CurriculumPractical advice and guidance
DORAWhat is the Declaration on Research Assesment?
Staff and Students access only GartnerResearch and analysis for global IT Industry
Generative AIIntroduction to Generative AI
Google Analytics AcademyLearn analytics with free online courses
Grampian Data Safe HavenAn introduction to the Safe Haven facility
High Performance ComputingServices for solving complex computational problems
Information GovernanceUniversity guidance for handling information about people
Information SecurityFind out how to keep your digital world safe
IT Account: MFASet up Multi Factor Authentication
IT Account: Password ResetManage your University password
IT Service DeskGet help from IT experts using our Chat service
IT Services for ResearchersTools & facilities specifically for researchers
Microsoft 365: Apps & ServicesIncluding Office apps and free install guidance
MS PlannerKanban-style visual planning tool
MS TeamsInformation on using Microsoft Teams
MS VisioMicrosoft's flowchart and diagram software
My Identity for Staff & PGRUnderstand your various credentials
NVivoOrganise and analyse non-numerical or unstructured data
PodcastingA guide to podcasting
PureLearn more about the University of Aberdeen's research information system
Remote AccessOff campus access to drives and software (VDI, VPN)
SafePodStandardised safe setting for secure data access
SNAPUse SNAP to collect and manage online survey data
SPSSA software package used for interactive, or batched statistical analysis.
Video: Produce a 'talking head'Guidance about planning, filming & editing
Academic Skills: Scholarly PublishingLearn more about creative commons licences
Accessibility for Authors/CreatorsGuidance about making your content accessible
AcrobatGetting started with Adobe Acrobat
Adobe SignSign documents and forms digitally
Audio: Record & Edit with AudacityHow to produce audio for free using Audacity
bSafe'Never walk alone' safety app
Calendaring for Staff & PGRHow do I use my Outlook calendar?
Data StorageUniversity data storage services and locations
Decision TimeAll-in-one board, meeting and risk management
Decolonising the CurriculumPractical advice and guidance
Digitally Enhanced Teaching SpacesGuidance for using DETS teaching rooms
DORAWhat is the Declaration on Research Assesment?
Staff access only EventsAIRAll-in-one event management solution for staff
Staff and Students access only GartnerResearch and analysis for global IT Industry
Generative AIIntroduction to Generative AI
Staff and Students access only GlowSchool of Education: How to use Glow account (University login required)
Google Analytics AcademyLearn analytics with free online courses
Staff access only Infohub: Guides for StaffGuidance and procedures for Infohub staff
Information GovernanceUniversity guidance for handling information about people
Information SecurityFind out how to keep your digital world safe
IT Account: MFASet up Multi Factor Authentication
IT Service DeskGet help from IT experts using our Chat service
Microsoft 365: Apps & ServicesIncluding Office apps and free install guidance
MS PlannerKanban-style visual planning tool
MS SharePointGuidance for using Microsoft SharePoint
MS TeamsInformation on using Microsoft Teams
My Identity for Staff & PGRUnderstand your various credentials
MyAberdeen & Turnitin Assignments for StaffGuidance and support for staff
Staff access only MyAberdeen AdminStaff resource detailing C7 processes and grade management
MyAberdeen: StaffLearn about the University's virtual learning environment.
PanoptoRecord a lecture for your students, using Panopto
PodcastingA guide to podcasting
PureLearn more about the University of Aberdeen's research information system
Remote AccessOff campus access to drives and software (VDI, VPN)
SafeZoneFree safety app to use on campus
SNAPUse SNAP to collect and manage online survey data
Vevox Polling SoftwareMake your session interactive with polls
Video: Create animation with SparkolEasy whiteboard-style animations
Video: Produce a 'talking head'Guidance about planning, filming & editing
Wireless ConnectionConnect your devices to University wireless
All the tools, in alphabetical order
Aberdeen Sports VillageWorld class facilities with opportunities for everyone
Academic Integrity & ReferencingGuidance on avoiding academic misconduct
Academic Skills: Academic WritingUniversity support to improve your writing
Academic Skills: FeedbackUnderstand and use marker feedback effectively
Academic Skills: MathsMaths Support at the University of Aberdeen
Academic Skills: OnlineUniversity-based online skill development
Academic Skills: Scholarly PublishingLearn more about creative commons licences
Academic Skills: Study StrategiesUniversity support to improve study skills
Accessibility for Authors/CreatorsGuidance about making your content accessible
Accessibility for UsersMake content more accessible on your devices at home
AcrobatGetting started with Adobe Acrobat
Adobe SignSign documents and forms digitally
Advanced EntrySupport for directly entering 2nd or 3rd year
AnatomyLearn about Anatomy practical classes and effective revision
Assistive Technology ServiceSupporting individuals through use of technology
Audio: Record & Edit with AudacityHow to produce audio for free using Audacity
BeWellActivities to support your wellbeing
Box of BroadcastsVLE-compatible radio and on-demand TV recordings
bSafe'Never walk alone' safety app
Calendaring for Staff & PGRHow do I use my Outlook calendar?
ClaroSoftware to support reading, writing and study
Classroom PCsPC locations, etiquette, software & how to find free PCs
CounsellingFind out more about the University's Counselling Service
CrashCourse Study SkillsStudy tips, note taking, getting organised and more!
Dark ReaderEye-care extension for your browser
Data Management PlanLearn how to write a DMP
Data StorageUniversity data storage services and locations
Staff and Students access only Data Storage for ResearchersStorage options and information for PGRs
Decision TimeAll-in-one board, meeting and risk management
Decolonising the CurriculumPractical advice and guidance
Digital WellbeingImprove your relationship with technology
Digitally Enhanced Teaching SpacesGuidance for using DETS teaching rooms
Disability ServiceAdvice, information and practical support for all students
DORAWhat is the Declaration on Research Assesment?
Staff access only EventsAIRAll-in-one event management solution for staff
ForestFocus and motivation eco app
FutureLearnFree online courses & MOOCS to improve your Digital Skills
Staff and Students access only GartnerResearch and analysis for global IT Industry
Geeky MedicsA free medical revision platform for medics, by medics
Generative AIIntroduction to Generative AI
Global AutoCorrectAutomated, intelligent spell-checker
Staff and Students access only GlowSchool of Education: How to use Glow account (University login required)
GoConqrPersonal learning environment and all-in-one revision tool
Google Analytics AcademyLearn analytics with free online courses
Google Digital GarageFree digital skills training for data, tech and marketing
GraduationFind out about preparing for your graduation
Graduation: Degree ClassificationHow your degree is classified
GrammarlyCompose mistake-free writing with an AI-powered writing assistant
Grampian Data Safe HavenAn introduction to the Safe Haven facility
Graphics: Create images with CanvaFreemium editor for infographics & posts
Graphics: Create Posters with MicrosoftUse PowerPoint for posters
Graphics: Create vectors with Adobe IllustratorPremium graphic design software
Graphics: Edit images with Adobe PhotoshopPremium graphic design software
Graphics: Edit images with PhotopeaFree advanced image editor, vector or photo
H DriveReliable, secure, personal filespace on the University network
Habitica: Gamify LifeHabit-building, motivation & progress tracker
HeadspaceMindfulness and meditation for stress, anxiety & focus
Health CoachingAchieve the positive lifestyle changes that matter to you
High Performance ComputingServices for solving complex computational problems
IFTTT'If This Then That' is tech automation with no coding!
Staff access only Infohub: Guides for StaffGuidance and procedures for Infohub staff
Information GovernanceUniversity guidance for handling information about people
Information SecurityFind out how to keep your digital world safe
International Study SkillsAcademic skills for international students
International: Incoming StudentsFor international students studying at UoA
International: Outgoing StudentsFor UoA students travelling abroad for study
IT Account: MFASet up Multi Factor Authentication
IT Account: Password ResetManage your University password
IT Induction for New StudentsAll the IT essentials you need to get started
IT Service DeskGet help from IT experts using our Chat service
IT ServicesOverview of computing facilities
IT Services for ResearchersTools & facilities specifically for researchers
IT SkillsAn introduction to basic IT skills for beginners
LaTeXMark-up language for technical or scientific documents
LegantoThe University's reading list management system
LibraryFind out about libraries available at UoA and how to use them
LivescribeSync audio & written notes using a Smartpen for better study materials
MATLABA programming language that expresses matrix & array mathematics directly
MicroscopyLearn about the different types of Microscopy available at IMS
Microsoft 365: Apps & ServicesIncluding Office apps and free install guidance
MindGeniusMindmapping & project management tool
MS ExcelA guide to using Microsoft's spreadsheet program
MS OneDriveCloud based file storage from Microsoft
MS OutlookUniversity email service Outlook, part of Office 365
MS PlannerKanban-style visual planning tool
MS PowerPointGuidance, tutorials and tips for presenting
MS SharePointGuidance for using Microsoft SharePoint
MS TeamsInformation on using Microsoft Teams
MS VisioMicrosoft's flowchart and diagram software
MS WordGet started with Microsoft Word and learn how to mail merge
MS Word: Long DocumentsLearn how to use long documents in Word
Multi-Faith ChaplaincyIntroduction to the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Centre
My Identity for Staff & PGRUnderstand your various credentials
My Identity for Students (UG & PGT)Understand your various credentials
MyAberdeen & Turnitin Assignments for StaffGuidance and support for staff
MyAberdeen & Turnitin Assignments for StudentsIntroduction and guidance
Staff access only MyAberdeen AdminStaff resource detailing C7 processes and grade management
MyAberdeen: StaffLearn about the University's virtual learning environment.
MyAberdeen: StudentsLearn about the University's virtual learning environment
MyCareerHubHow the Careers & Employability Service can support you
MyCurriculumOur online course selection system
myNoiseBlock distractions with custom soundscapes
MySkillsEnhance your transferable & professional skills
MyTimetableSign up to tutorials, labs & practicals for your personal timetable
Note-takingStrategies, advice & apps for taking better notes
NotionProductivity and note-taking application - write, think, plan
NVivoOrganise and analyse non-numerical or unstructured data
Online RegistrationFind out how to register for a new academic year
OpenDyslexicA unique free font to improve readability
PanoptoRecord a lecture for your students, using Panopto
Physiology & PharmacologyLearn how to use pipettes properly in a lab environment
PodcastingA guide to podcasting
Pomodoro TechniqueImprove your productivity with healthy time management
PrintingUse printers on the campus network, even from your own device
ProgrammingLearn computer programming skills
PureLearn more about the University of Aberdeen's research information system
QR CodesCreate, manage and use QR codes
Remote AccessOff campus access to drives and software (VDI, VPN)
SafePodStandardised safe setting for secure data access
SafeZoneFree safety app to use on campus
SNAPUse SNAP to collect and manage online survey data
SPSSA software package used for interactive, or batched statistical analysis.
Time ManagementMake plans, prioritise and keep track of projects
Vevox Polling SoftwareMake your session interactive with polls
Video: Create animation with SparkolEasy whiteboard-style animations
Video: Edit video with OpenShotFree video editing software
Video: Edit with Premiere ProHow to edit video using Adobe Premiere Pro
Video: Produce a 'talking head'Guidance about planning, filming & editing
Wireless ConnectionConnect your devices to University wireless
WorkflowyA simple but powerful outlining tool for organising
WYSAStress, sleep & mindfulness therapy chatbot
ZendToShare large files with internal or external collaborators