Café Med - Wednesday 25th January, 6pm in Suttie Centre Café - FREE

Café Med - Wednesday 25th January, 6pm in Suttie Centre Café - FREE

This is a past event

Thalidomide: The Good and the Bad sides of a medicine.

We will consider the history and infamous actions of Thalidomide on the embryo and why these continue to be important; we will then move on to how it is now used to treat a range of conditions, including Multiple Myeloma. Finally we will look at research to retain the clinical benefits of the drug whilst removing some of the potential risks.

Professor Neil Vargesson, Chair in Developmental Biology & Dr Alastair Lawrie, Consultant Haematologist, NHS Grampian
Hosted by
Suttie centre
Suttie Centre for Teaching and Learning in Healthcare