The Med-Chi Lectures

The Med-Chi Lectures

This is a past event

Mountain Rescue Medicine- No Need for A Doctor

Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society. The Med-Chi Hall, Foresterhill 

Alastair is a dad to 2 young children and paid to be a full time GP in Aberdeenshire, but often spends more time in his voluntary roles as a BASICS doctor and Mountain Rescue Doctor. He is one of Aberdeen Mountain Rescue Team doctors and for the past 3 years has been the national medical officer for the Scottish Mountain Rescue, the umbrella organisation that supports and represents the teams in Scotland.

Alastair will talk about the role of a team doctor, medical provision and equipment of MRTs, the national mediacl officer role and some stories of rescues.

Finger buffet and tea/coffee available from 6.30pm

Non members welcome

The Med-Chi Hall, Forsterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD

Contact- 01224 437104- Ext (76) 7104
