Clinical Skills

In this section
Clinical Skills

Clinical skills practice can be booked in room 101 or 112

  • The room is available between the hours of 8am-8pm Monday-Friday, and 8am-6pm Saturday & Sunday. Please note that Practical Procedures cannot be booked on a weekend at this time
  • Students can book for 1 hour per week on weekday session, or 2 hours at the weekend. The time booked includes any set-up/clear-down time; this should not be added in additionally.
  • If attending at a weekend, you will need to collect a Trust Card in order to gain access. This should be collected from the Technicians' office 106 on the Friday before your booking, between 8am-5:30pm. You will be told how to use the card and where to return it to.
  • A maximum of 4 students can attend any session. The names of each student should be written in the booking form.
  • The room will have the following equipment in it: Trolley bed, CPR manikins, Fundoscopy head, urinalysis, Sphygmomanometer & stethoscope, male & female pelvic models, pregnant abdomen model and a neuro kit.
  • Users of the room should be sure to clear up and be out of the room by the end of their booked slot so the next user can start on time.
  • PA students can also practice various Practical Procedures. Please title your booking to indicate it is PA practice, and list the procedures you wish to practice in the description.
  • We understand some people may want to practice more regularly. If there is availability in the room, an additional 'on the day' booking can be made, or an existing booking extended on the day.

Any study that is non-clinical skills based (e.g. communication skills practice) should be booked on the second floor rooms 228, 229, 230, 231, 232 ideally, or in rooms 124-127

Any queries please contact the technician team on .