Should you find you have picked a course you do not like, you can change it up to the end of:
Our User Guide explains how to make changes to your course choices
Please note: the deadline for changing Sixth Century Courses is 5.00 pm on Friday of the first week of teaching.
Should you find you have picked a course you do not like, you can change it up to the end of:
Our User Guide explains how to make changes to your course choices
Please note: the deadline for changing Sixth Century Courses is 5.00 pm on Friday of the first week of teaching.
You can find information about:
If your query relates to the content of a course, please contact the School Office by clicking on the "No, I need more help" button at the bottom of this page. In answer to the question "What do you need help with?" choose "Course Information" from the drop down list.
This may be because:
What should I do?
… but there really is no other optional course I would like to take, what should I do?
The University, for academic reasons, does not recommend that students take clashing courses. If you believe you have an exceptional circumstance and wish to apply to take a clashing course, please click on the "No, I need more help" button at the bottom of this page. In answer, to the question "What do you need help with" choose "Take a Clashing Course" from the drop down list.
Please note: there is no guarantee that you will be given permission and you should look for alternative courses to study should your request be refused.
This may be because:
What should I do?
… but there really is no other optional course I would like to take, what should I do?
The University, for academic reasons, does not recommend that students take clashing courses. If you believe you have an exceptional circumstance and wish to apply to take a clashing course, please click the "No, I need more help" button at the bottom of this page. In answer to the question “What do you need help with?” choose “Take Clashing Course” from the drop down list.
Please note: There is no guarantee that you will be given permission and you should look for alternative courses to study should your request be refused.