
Help with Additional Registration Support - Personal Tutoring

Frequently Asked Questions

You will be able to see the name and contact details of your Personal Tutor on your Student Hub.

They are an initial point of contact for all points which will arise in your time at the University. You will meet them regularly (on video calls and when possible face to face). You can have discussions about your studies, about personal issues and welfare, planning for the future or anything else. Your Personal Tutor will be able help you and/or will refer you on to colleagues who are more familiar with your programme, are Student Support experts or, for example, the Careers Service or AUSA.

Your Personal Tutor is always the best first step.  More specialist support is also available through Student Support, Student Life, AUSA  and the Careers Service.  

Send them an email or, if it is possible to be on campus, knock on their door.

Your Personal Tutor will contact you with an appointment. Please do attend. You should meet your Personal Tutor at the start of each academic year. Beyond this, Schools have slightly different arrangements for this, reflecting the different nature of programme and other forms of staff contact which are provided. Also, if an issue arises outside the framework of meetings and you would like to discuss this, please do contact the Personal Tutor and ask to meet or raise points by email. Other points of contact are the School Senior Personal Tutor and the Dean for Student Support,

Get in touch by email and ask for a new time.  If you have missed a meeting and are feeling embarrassed or nervous, or worried because you have not been in touch in the past, please still do get in touch with the Personal Tutor. Other points of contact are the School Senior Personal Tutor and the Dean for Student Support,

In the first instance please contact your Senior Personal Tutor.  If changing does seem the best course then please contact Infohub (


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