The University of Aberdeen is committed to Widening Access and as part of this commitment we are offering a free place in one room in one of the University's single occupancy self-catered halls of residence for academic year 2025/26 to every student undertaking a full time undergraduate degree * whose home address is within a Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation quintile 1 (SIMD 20) postcode area and who is classified as Home Fees (Scottish). The postcode as declared on the date you submitted your application to UCAS is the postcode that is used to determine eligibility under quintile 1. You can find further information about the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation here:
This offer is available only at the University of Aberdeen. This offer cannot be deferred to another academic year, or transferred to another institution or transferred to another type of accommodation at the University of Aberdeen. There is no cash alternative.
Additional terms and conditions as follows:
i) One free academic year in University accommodation
- All students must apply for accommodation via the University accommodation system.
- The accommodation on offer will be one single occupancy room in University self-catered accommodation.
- The guarantee is for one standard self-catering room with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities, but no guarantee can be given that you will be offered your first choice. You will be allocated one single occupancy room within the portfolio of University accommodation.
- The offer for the free single occupancy accommodation is only valid for the agreed accommodation contract period.
- The offer is for a single occupancy room and cannot be extended to accommodate the student or their family in any other type of university accommodation.
*please note this offer does not include the Graduate Dental Degree and LLB Accelerated Degree.