Entry from College

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Entry from College

Joining University from College

Over the past 500 years, the University has gained an international reputation for offering world leading teaching and learning opportunities. Students past and present have joined the University through a variety of pathways and we invite you to join our Aberdeen family and become part of the next chapter of our history.

The University welcomes students whose pathway to University has been through study at a Scottish College, whether that be from an Access programme or an HNC or HND. We have created these new web pages to give you all the information you need to plan your journey to University even before you start studying at a College. We are constantly adding more content but if you do have questions or suggestions please contact the Access & Articulation Team, we will be happy to hear from you.

One thing you might be confused by is the terminology used to describe students coming from college to university. We call this 'Articulation', but it may also be called 'advanced entry', or 'direct entry'. It all means the same thing.

Unibuddy Chat

If you'd like to chat with one of our team you can message us on Unibuddy.

View our Unibuddy profiles here

Advanced entry/articulation questions and answers

Can I apply to a degree with a National Certificate (NC) qualification?

A National Certificate or NC is one level lower than a HNC or HND (Higher National Certificate/Diploma). A student with a NC can progress onto a HNC/D and then apply to university but could not apply directly with the NC only.

What will I study on my degree?

You can see the modules for your degree under each course page on the online prospectus. You can also look at the course catalogue for all modules offered, including those you could choose as an optional module.

How much are the tuition fees?

The Student's Award Agency Scotland fund the tuition fees for the majority of 'Home' fees students. However, it is important to check your individual circumstances with them if you have previously had funding for a HNC/HND in Scotland.

Check out our Finance and Funding guide  for more tailored information. (If you are studying outside of Scotland and are not a Home Fees student please refer to each degree page for tuition fee prices)

I would like to apply for one of your degrees. Which HNC/HND would you accept for advanced entry (year 2 or year 3)

All our advanced entry degrees and entry requirements can be found in our Articulation Pathways Guide.

Can I top up my HND to do my master degree?

We work with Scottish College students. However, you can apply to university if you have studied a HNC/HND in another country. You can find out more here.

#AskABDN 30 Second Videos

Below is a selection of short 30 second videos answering your frequently asked questions. Further down the page you can also find a link to our YouTube playlist which currently covers 44 FAQ's!

Are studying/planning to study...

BeWell Podcasts

The BeWell Podcast series focuses on topical wellbeing issues from student pressure points to national wellbeing campaigns. The series is hosted by Wellbeing Adviser Bekah Walker who is joined each week by guest speakers from our staff and student community. The views expressed in these podcasts are those of the individuals concerned and do not represent the views of the University of Aberdeen.

University of Aberdeen
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