Part-Time Degree & Individual Subject Study

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Part-Time Degree & Individual Subject Study

We understand that committing to part-time study is not the same as committing to full time study. There are many more challenges surrounding fitting work and family commitments around your study. Most of our degrees, with the exception of Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering, Music, Psychology and MA Primary Education are available to study part-time. The online prospectus will give you more information about the degrees we offer and our entrance requirements.

Once you have decided on a degree you will want to know what you will need to study in any given year. A full time student studies 120 credits in a year, usually equivalent to 8 courses. Part-time students would be expected to study half this load, 60 credits or 4 courses a year. It is possible to take fewer courses for interest or career development but you would then be registered as an Individual Subject Study (ISS) student rather than a part-time degree student.

Once you register as a student you will choose which courses you want to take in a year however, for a part-time student, it is important to gather as much information as possible when making the decision whether you can commit to study. The University Degree Calendar lists the courses you are required to take for every degree we offer. Once you have looked at the degree calendar you can then find these courses in the catalogue of courses and start to build up an idea of the time you will need to commit to study on campus. Please be aware that the timetable is subject to change every year.