Curriculum for Excellence (CfE)

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Curriculum for Excellence (CfE)

Scotland has reformed its curriculum for young people aged 3-18. Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), introduced in schools and colleges in 2010, aims to make learning more relevant to the modern world and give young people the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to succeed in learning, life and work, ultimately helping young people to take their place in modern society and community.

CfE has transforming education by providing a coherent, flexible and enriched curriculum for all young people. In support of this the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) has developed new National Qualifications - Nationals, Highers and Advanced Highers, replacing the previous Access, Standard Grade, Intermediate, Higher and Advanced Higher Qualifications. The new Nationals were introduced from August 2013 with Highers from August 2014 and Advanced Highers from August 2015.

The University of Aberdeen continues to review entry requirement criteria as SQA introduce new qualifications.