Admission to the University of Aberdeen is entirely on merit and on the basis of ability to achieve. We operate an admissions policy which ensures equality of opportunity to all applicants. Applications are welcomed from students with excellent academic potential and the University recognises the importance of admitting applicants to a course suited to their ability and aspirations. The selection process therefore takes account of all aspects of an application and not just an applicant's academic profile.
In seeking to attract applications from students with excellent academic potential, the University of Aberdeen is committed to widening participation and to promoting wider access to Higher Education. There are no admissions quotas which advantage or disadvantage any group of applicants and the University of Aberdeen is committed to treating all applicants within the admissions cycle fairly.
Every course has an admissions selector, who considers all the applications for that area of study. Selectors are interested in an applicant's academic achievements but they will also take note of the spread of subjects studied and will check for competence in any specific subjects required for particular courses. Selectors take an applicant's personal statement and the Referee's Report into account when they make their decision, as well as actual or predicted examination grades. Selectors are looking for evidence of knowledge and understanding of a subject, of commitment, motivation and responsibility, and ability to cope with the challenges of a university education.
Applications for admission to all courses are considered without regard to any inappropriate distinction eg ethnicity or national origin, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, gender, religious or political beliefs, marital status or socio-economic background. Mature students (those who will be 21 or over at the time they start an undergraduate course), and students who have suffered educational hardship or disruption (including students with disabilities), may receive special consideration.
The University of Aberdeen believes a diverse student population is important from an educational and social perspective; enhancing the educational experience for all.
The University's Guidance Notes for Admission provide further information for applicants who wish to submit an application.
View the current Undergraduate/PGDE Guidelines for Admission
View the current Undergraduate/PGDE Terms and Conditions
Other links
- University of Aberdeen Student Terms and Conditions
- University of Aberdeen Student Discipline and Fitness to Practice
- University of Aberdeen Inclusive Support
- University of Aberdeen Online Reporting Tool
- University of Aberdeen Information on Gender Based Violence
- University of Aberdeen Privacy Statement
- University of Aberdeen Accreditation of Prior Learning Policy
- University of Aberdeen Contextualised Admissions Policy 2024/2025
- University of Aberdeen Contextualised Admissions Policy 2025/2026
- University of Aberdeen Articulation Pathway Policy 2025/2026
- Undergraduate Degree Regulations
- Undergraduate Degree Programme Specifications
- University Semester Dates
- University Go Abroad Opportunities
- Student Life and Student Support
- Information for Offer Holders
- Student Collection Notice
- Online Study Terms and Conditions