Festivals and events

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Festivals and events

A number of festivals and events take place in Aberdeen city and Aberdeenshire throughout the year. From sporting, outdoor, music and art and design festivals, there is something for everyone.

Highlights of the events calendar include:

  • May Festival which is held here on the University of Aberdeen campus
  • Taste of Grampian
  • Aberdeen Comedy Festival
  • The Cycling Tour Series
  • Jazz Festival
  • Look Again Festival
  • Spectra Festival of Light
  • Nuart
  • True North
  • Doors Open Day

The Highland Games includes traditional competitions such as tug-of-war, highland dancing, pipe band championships and family fun!

There is also a Winter Festival to enjoy in November and December as well as a stunning fireworks displays.

Find out more about the range of festivals and events in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire

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