

As an Aberdeen graduate you will be perfectly placed to take the first steps to success. Aberdeen graduates earn some of the highest starting salaries in the UK and we offer a professional Careers and Employability Service for life in order to maximise our student's employability. As a taught postgraduate student your year will be busy - some planning early on and good time management will ensure you make the most of it.

  • Know what you want to achieve. Are you looking to develop your employability with a view to changing or advancing your career? Is it a step towards further study or do you have other aims?
  • Work out how to achieve it. There are many opportunities to develop your skills and gain experience.
  • Develop your professional network through attending events organised by your School (many run seminar series throughout the year) or relevant professional bodies (student membership rates are often very reasonable or even free). You can also network online using LinkedIn.
  • Use the Careers and Employability Service's MyCareerHub system to keep up-to-date with job opportunities
  • Think outside of the box. Not all sectors advertise opportunities in the same way. Search our resources to discover more about the job types you are interested in.
  • Connect with the Careers and Employability Service team at any stage. They would be delighted to help. Find out more.