Spanish and Latin American Studies

Spanish and Latin American Studies


Exploration of Spanish and Latin American literature, history, culture and society.

Study Information

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Degree Qualification

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Based in the School of Language, Literature, Film and Visual Culture, our research programmes in Spanish and Latin American Studies are distinguished for research on 20th and 21st century Spain; contemporary and historical Mexico; gender history in modern Spain and Latin America; translation studies; history of science in Latin America; and studies of citizenship and society in Latin America and Spain.

Our Research

Spanish and Latin American Studies are centred on staff research interests and are integrated across research centres.

We are interested in hearing from students wishing to undertake postgraduate level work on Spanish and Latin American Studies at the doctoral level. Please contact one of the supervisors below if you are thinking about applying for a PhD in their subject area.


Professor Patience Schell (Head of Research Area)

Cultural and social history of Latin America, especially in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; gender, including women’s history and masculinity; history of science, eugenics, exploration and museums; history of education (widely understood); the history of friendship and other ties that bind.

Dr Jesse Barker

Contemporary Spanish film, literature and culture. Affect theory; identity, individualism and intersubjectivity; gender and masculinity.

Dr María Sánchez

Translation studies; literary translation; interpreting studies; audiovisual translation; translator and interpreter training.

Dr Trevor Stack

Latin America, especially Mexico, and California; historical knowledge and citizenship; rule of law and citizenship beyond the state; governance of the informal and illegal; religion and the state; political community.

Interdisciplinary Research

We welcome interdisciplinary research projects involving more than one Department, and staff have experience in interdisciplinary research.

Research Interests

The Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine

The Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine acts as the focus for research, teaching and engagement in the history, philosophy and ethics, literature and museology of science, technology and medicine.

The Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine

Aberdeen Global Scholarship

Eligible self-funded international Postgraduate Research Masters' students starting in September 2025 will receive the Aberdeen Global Scholarship. Explore this Global Scholarship, including eligibility details, on our dedicated page.

Aberdeen Global Scholarship

Entry Requirements

Applicants must provide a detailed research proposal and two academic references from their most recent academic institution.

International Applicants

Fees and Funding

View the tuition fee rates


Eligible self-funded international Postgraduate Research Masters' students starting in September 2025 will receive the Aberdeen Global Scholarship. Explore this Global Scholarship, including eligibility details, on our dedicated page.

To see our full range of scholarships, visit our Funding Database.


Postgraduate degrees in Spanish and Latin American Studies prepare students for degrees in the civil service, international organisations, industry, academic administration or the media. They can also prepare students for careers in University teaching and research in this country or abroad (recent doctoral graduates have been appointed to lectureships in London, Lancaster and Sheffield).

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Contact Details

School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture
University of Aberdeen
King's College
AB24 3UB