University of Aberdeen visit to Indonesia June 2016

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University of Aberdeen visit to Indonesia June 2016

This is a past event

The University of Aberdeen will be visiting Indonesia in June 2016 and would be delighted to answer any questions that you may have about studying at Aberdeen, or indeed in Scotland. International Officer for South East Asia and Conversion Officer Megan McFarlane will be hosting a variety of pre departure sessions for all offer holders for September 2016 and January 2017.

Please contact Paul at if you would like to catch up with him to discuss your offer at one of the events below;


Friday 3rd June 12:45-15:45

Location:  IDP Education Bandung, Jl. Sulanjana no.3,Bandung, 40116 

Telephone: + 62 22 426 1054

Friday 3rd June 14:00-16:00

Location: IBEC Bandung, Graha Bumiputera 08 01 Ji,Asia Africa No. 141-149,Bandung 40112

Telephone: +6222 – 4215181



Saturday 4th June 12:00-15:00

Location: IDP Education Jakarta, Wisma Budi, Lantai 5, Room 501, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav C-6

Tel: +62 21 252 3291

Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th June 12:00-19:00

Location:IBEC Study in UK & Pre Departure Briefing, Intercontinental Hotel, Midplaza 2, Lantai 25, Jl. Jend, Sudirman Kav.10-11, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10220,