University of Aberdeen Visit to Ontario, Canada

In this section
University of Aberdeen Visit to Ontario, Canada

This is a past event

The University of Aberdeen will be visiting Ontario in October 2018.

Dr Catherine Ng, Lecturer in Law would be delighted to meet with you at your convenience and would be happy to answer any questions that you may have about studying at Aberdeen, or indeed in Scotland

Please contact Paul McBean, Lead International Officer for the Americas if you have any queries about this visit or would like to book an appointment. 



18 October

10.30 – 15.30


McMaster U Fair

MUSC Marketplace



Barclay Educational Services

McMaster Innovation Park

Suite 312A

175 Longwood Road S

Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 0A1



19 October



SI-UK North America

545 King Street West

Toronto Ontario

M5V 1M1


22 October

11.00 – 14.00


Waterloo Grad Fair



23 October

Ryerson University



24 October

11.00 – 14.00


Laurier Grad Fair





25 October



Guelph Grad Fair