Recruitment Visit to Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York

In this section
Recruitment Visit to Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York

This is a past event

Professor Bill Naphy, Dean for North America, will visit Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York to attend college fairs and meet with interested students and parents.


03 April 2017

9am - 11:30am and 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Springfield National College Fair

Eastern States Exposition

Young Building

1305 Memorial Ave

West Springfield, Ma 01089


04 April 2017

8.15 – 12 Crosby High School Stem & Career Fair

300 Pierpont Road

Waterbury , Ct 06705

Phone: 203.574.8061


05 April 2017

4-8pm Southern Connecticut College Fair

Webster Bank Arena, Bridgeport

600 Main St, Bridgeport, Ct 06604


06 April 2017     

9am - 11:30am and 6:30pm - 8:30pm Hartford National College Fair

The Connecticut Convention Center

Exhibit Hall A

100 Columbus Blvd #400

Hartford, Ct 06103


07 April 2017

New York City


08 April 2017

New York City - Tartan Day

Please contact Brian Hussey, Lead International Officer (Americas) for further information or to arrange a meeting by emailing or call +44 1224 272187