Joint UK-Uruguay-Brazil Workshop

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Joint UK-Uruguay-Brazil Workshop

This is a past event

The workshop 'How anthropology can contribute to affirmative action in South America in fields of human rights, gender equality and environmental sustainability' is being organised by researchers from the University of Aberdeen, Universidad de la Republica (Uruguay) and UNICAMP (Brazil).

The workshop will be hosted in Montevideo by Universidad de la Republica (UDELAR). It forms part of the British Council Researcher Links Programme, and is supported by the British Council, the National Agency for Research and Innovation of Uruguay (ANII) and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Up to 12 early career researchers will participate from each of the UK, Brazil and Uruguay.

For all successful applicants, subsistence and accommodation costs for the duration of the workshop, as well as return travel costs, will be covered.

Applications from prospective UK participants should be submitted by 6th January 2017, on the form available below, to Maggie Bolton at Applicants will be notified of the outcome by 20th January 2017.


More information about the workshop can be found in the poster - Poster1.pdf

Organisers:Dr Margaret Bolton - University of Aberdeen, UKProf Maria Suely Kofes - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), BrazilDr Susana Rostagnol - Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Mentors:Prof Tim Ingold - University of Aberdeen, UKDr Renzo Taddei - Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), BrazilDr Gustavo Remedi - Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Dr Margaret Bolton
Universidad de la Republica - Montevideo, Uruguay

Dr Margaret Bolton -