ASkE Academic Skills in English (in-session)

ASkE Academic Skills in English (in-session)

The Language Centre offers support with both Academic Writing and Communication Skills.

Classes are designed for international students who have started their degree studies. We offer general sessions as well as some sessions specifically related to your degree subject.

For more information about the sessions and to book a place, please view the sections below.

Please note that while we're preparing classes and workshops for the next academic year, some links and titles might not be available, but will be updated within the next couple of weeks.

Academic Writing Skills

What our students say


I wouldn't have written anything without these courses, because I was at a loss at first as it was my first to write academic English.


It helps me to have a basic structure about essay writing in my mind, this class is helpful, and I think I have learned some writing skills which are contributed to my essay.


Gives me a better idea of expectations from the professors, the structure of the assignment, etc. And as someone who has not been in academia in a few years, I appreciate that.


It serves as a reminder of the need for developing critical thinking skills, approaching academic writing, and provides a guide to follow.

Academic Communication Skills

What our students say

Academic Communication sessions helped me overcome some difficulties in communicating in English to a certain extent, such as lack of self-confidence, nervousness, etc.

I learned to make my expression more natural in different contexts, and also more confident.

Fluency & Communication