Entry Requirements

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Entry Requirements

The information below is provided as a guide only and does not guarantee entry to the University of Aberdeen. For information relating to your degree please check the online prospectus for specific requirements.


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Arts & Social Sciences: 75% overall, including in two state exams
Science: 75% overall, 75% in two science subjects in state exams
Engineering: 75% overall, 75% in Mathematics and Physics in state exams
Law: 80% overall, 80% in three state exams
Medicine: For detailed information, please click here

PostgraduateBakalaurs (courses from 2000) and Magistrs (before 2000) are considered comparable to UK Bachelor's degree. A score of 7 from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 6 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2.

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