Faculty Visit to Porto Alegre

Faculty Visit to Porto Alegre

This is a past event

Dr Wamberto Vasconcelos from the University of Aberdeen will be at PUC-RS to participate in WESAAC

Dr Wamberto Vasconcelos will be at PUC-RS this month to participate in WESAAC, event that gathers researchers and students from all levels in the area of Agents and Agents Systems.

He will be responsible for a Workshop about Normative Multi-Agent Systems, which will happen on the 28th in the morning, and will give a talk on the 29th, from 2 pm to 3.10 pm.

To know more about Dr Wamberto’s work at the University of Aberdeen, please access: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/study/international/inmycountry/brazil/profiles/


O Dr Wamberto Vasconcelos estará na PUC-RS neste mês para participar do WESAAC, evento que reúne pesquisadores e estudantes de todos os níveis na área de Agentes e Sistemas de Agentes.

Ele será responsável pela Oficina sobre Normative Multi-Agent Systems, que acontece no dia 28 pela manhã, e fará uma palestra no dia 29, das 14h às 15h10.

Conheça o trabalho do Dr Wamberto na University of Aberdeen: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/study/international/inmycountry/brazil/profiles/

PUC-RS, Porto Alegre

Dr Wamberto Vasconcelos

Email: w.w.vasconcelos@abdn.ac.uk