Staff and Student Profiles

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Staff and Student Profiles

Dr Raja Akram

Previously, I have worked as Post Doctoral research assistant at the Information Security Group (ISG), Royal Holloway, University of London. During my time at ISG, I was involved with the research projects related to Data Control and Compliance, digital avionics, EMV and decentralised payment systems, transport ticketing and mobile contactless transactions. Previously, I have worked as Research Fellow at the Cyber Security Lab, Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato, New Zealand. At the Cyber Security Lab, I am involved with the user centric security and privacy paradigms. Before joining the University of Waikato, I worked as a Senior Research Fellow at Edinburgh Napier University. During my work at the Edinburgh Napier University, I worked on the RatTrap project. The RatTrap project designed a suite of preventive technologies to avoid online fraud - especially in the online affiliate marketing. I got my PhD in Information Security from Royal Holloway, University of London. I completed my MSc Information Security at Royal Holloway, University of London in September 2007. I also have MSc Computer Science from the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad and B.Sc (Mathematics, Physics and Geography) from the University of the Punjab, Lahore.

My current research interests revolve around the user centric applied security and privacy architectures, data ownership and control in a heterogeneous computing environment, security for machine learning and machine learning for security. In addition, I am also interested in smart card security, secure cryptographic protocol design and implementation, smartphone and IoT security, trusted platform architecture, trusted/secure execution environment and security & privacy issues in emerging technologies like blockchain, UAVs/Drone and autonomous vehicles.

Dr Ambreen Shakil

Dr Ambreen Shakil has extensive experience of teaching Clinical Skills and has worked in the UK, Caribbean and Pakistan. Dr Shakil is a Senior Fellow of the Advance Higher Education and works at the Institute of Education in Healthcare Medical Science.

Dr Shakil graduated from Dow University of Health Sciences and obtained her Masters in Health Services and Public Health Research with commendation from the University of Aberdeen. She also completed Masters in Medical Education (with commendation) from the University of Aberdeen.

Dr Amir Siddiq

Dr Amir Siddiq is a Reader at University of Aberdeen. He is a Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy of UK, a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of IMechE (FIMechE), and Fellow of Institute of Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (FIMMM). He is currently deputy programme lead for UG mechanical engineering and employability and skills champion for the school of engineering. He is a member of advanced manufacturing leadership group as part of Scottish research partnership in engineering and National Manufacturing Institute of Scotland. He has also been a university wide employability committee member which devise the employability and skills framework for the students.

Previously, he has worked at Max-Planck Institute for Metal Research (Germany), Robert BOSCH GmbH (Germany), SKF GmbH (Germany), University of Sheffield (UK), NED University (Pakistan), KAUST (KSA), University of Strathclyde (UK), and Advanced Forming Research Centre (UK). Dr Siddiq's research interests include multiscale mechanics of materials, structures and manufacturing processes. He has authored/co-authored more than 90 technical papers in refereed journals and conferences. Dr Siddiq holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from University of Stuttgart, Germany.

More details on his group’s research activities can be found on

Dr Imran Omar

Dr. Muhammad Imran Omar is a qualified medical doctor with a particular interest in medical education and healthcare research. Dr Omar obtained his M.B.,B.S. degree from Dow Medical College (1993-1998).

Dr Omar is certified as a Physician by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), USA, after clearing the United States Medical Licensing Exams (USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2 and Clinical Skills Assessment exam). Dr Omar is registered with the General Medical Council U.K. and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, U.K.

Dr Omar obtained a Master's in Health Services and Public Health Research from the University of Aberdeen (2009) and a Master's in Medical Education from the University of Dundee (2012). His areas of research interest include systematic reviews, evidence-based medicine, clinical practice guideline development, real-world evidence and big data. We worked as Managing Editor for Cochrane Incontinence Group for almost five years and now works for the European Association of Urology (EAU) as Guidelines Office Methodology Supervisor, Vice-Chair of the Guidelines Office EAU Methods Committee, and a member of the EAU non-neurogenic female Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) panel.

Dr Omar is a member of the GRADE Working Group, Cochrane Bias Methods Group, Cochrane Trainers' Network, Cochrane Statistical Network, Cochrane Consumer Network, and an Editor of Cochrane Urology. Dr. Omar is based within the Academic Urology Unit of the University of Aberdeen.