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Staff and Student Profiles


Lecturer in Electrical Engineering

Dr QUAN LiProgramme Coordinator – MSc Renewable Energy Engineering Programme

李全博士,本科和硕士毕业于清华大学电机系,于剑桥大学取得博士学位。通过在中国、英国、加拿大和日本等国家的学习和工作,他现在是享有500多年悠久历 史的英国阿伯丁大学的助教授,担任 “新能源工程硕士课程审批委员会”主席和“新能源项目委员会”委员等职务。李全博士在超导技术、电力系统和新能源等领域是一位非常活跃的国际学者。曾多次 获邀出席美国华盛顿、波士顿、英国剑桥、牛津、爱丁堡、阿伯丁、日本东京、大阪、京都、仙台、福冈等国际学术会议和论坛,做特邀报告、担任大会主席和编委 会委员等职务。


English Language Profile


Senior Lecturer in Safety & Reliability Engineering, and Subsea

Dr Henry Tan

谭鸿来博士,美籍华人科学家,国际能源挑战与力学研讨会主席,《能源挑战与力学》学术期刊主编。八年清华,他读取了现代应用物理理学学士、工程力学工学学士和博士学位,并获得首届全国优秀博士学位论文奖。在美国布朗大学工程学院的博士后研究工作结束之后,他作为犹他大学的研究助理教授(1998-2001)和伊利诺伊大学的研究科学家(2003-2007)参与了美国能源部的加速战略计算计划"作并取得重大突破,研究成果分别为美国国家航空航天局和洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室应用于航天飞机和高能材料的事故诊断分析中;因此项成果,他被英国剑桥大学卡文迪什实验室特邀作学术报告。谭博士曾分别在美国、英国、意大利和中国为本科生和研究生教授课程:他曾是中国浙江大学和中国华中理工大学客座教授,美国路易斯安那州立大学机械工程系助理教授,英国曼彻斯特大学机械、航空与土木工程学院讲师; 谭博士现任英国阿伯丁大学工学院高级讲师。


English Language Profile

Ding Zhang


  • MSc Petroleum Energy Economics & Finance
  • MA Economics with Mathematics

Why did you choose Aberdeen? Why the University of Aberdeen?

Aberdeen is the “Oil Capital of Europe”, which means that this city attracts most of the best oil and gas professionals in Europe; the University of Aberdeen is the third eldest university in Scotland, and I love studying in an ancient university that is rich of history.

What three words would you use to describe the University of Aberdeen?

Multicultural, exciting, unique.

How are you finding living in Scotland?

Amazing. Scottish people here are friendly and welcoming. And there are lots of places of interest to visit during the holidays.

What is the best thing about Aberdeen?

The slogan “Come here, go anywhere”.

What is your plan after graduation?

Currently I am working as a Business Consultant for a software and consulting company based in Aberdeen. I prefer to continue my career with further development of my expertise in the oil and gas industry, which is a perfect continuation of my MSc studies.

Qian Shan


  • MSc Petroleum, Energy Economics and Finance 
  • What attracts you to the University of Aberdeen?

The University of Aberdeen has very good oil and gas job career perspective. Since I would like to pursue a career in this industry, I decided to come here and improve my employability. Also, Aberdeen is a great place for study and outdoor sports. 

What is the best part of the programme?

PEEF has very good curriculum, providing deep understanding on the oil & gas industry. Professors and lecturers are very experienced and helpful. Besides, I met a lot of colleagues from a diverse range of background and some of whom has become friends for life. 

What three words would you use to describe Aberdeen?

Friendly, beautiful and multinational.

Listen to what some of our new Engineering Graduates have to say: