Other Medical Care Services

Other Medical Care Services


All pharmacies dispense prescriptions and most supply emergency contraception on the NHS. You can visit any pharmacy to have your prescription dispensed, it does not have to be the same one. If you run out of your regular medicines and can't obtain a prescription from your GP, your pharmacist can dispense an urgent repeat supply.

Pharmacies sell a wide range of over the counter medicines to treat minor ailments such as hay fever, athlete's foot, head lice and cold sores.
You can also get expert advice or information on healthcare and help with your medicines. There is no need to make an appointment.

Pharmacies around the University

Baird's Pharmacy

519A King Street


AB24 3BT

Tel: 01224 483783

Rowlands Pharmacy

695 George Street


AB25 3XP

Tel: 01224 635519

Rosemount Pharmacy

1 Mount Street


AB25 2RA

Tel: 01224 630101

First Aid

  • If you or a fellow student is involved in an accident on the University Campus and require a First Aider, you should go to the nearest University building and ask for a First Aider. There will usually be a First Aider notice displayed nearby with contact telephone numbers to reach them on.
  • Campus Security are on campus 24/7 and trained in First Aid. They can be contacted on 01224 27 3939
    (if you are calling from a non-UK phone number dial 0044 1224 27 3939)
  • If the accident is serious and/or life threatening then you should dial 999 immediately.