Sanitary Products

Sanitary Products

The University and Students' Union are proud to
support the Scottish Government initiative to reduce
Period Poverty by supplying free sanitary products.

The aim is to promote equality and dignity for those
who menstruate and ensure that everyone has access
to products so that it does not impact on their ability
to fully participate in education.

You can find free sanitary towels, tampons and reusable cups and pads across campus.

Please take what you need when you need it.

Campus Building Location of Products
Foresterhill Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS) Level 2
Foresterhill Medical Physics Ground Floor & First Floor
Foresterhill Polwarth Reception & Library
Foresterhill Rowett Rear Entrance & Reception
Foresterhill Suttie Ground floor
Foresterhill Lilian Sutton Building TBC
Hillhead Hillhead Central Building Reception
Old Aberdeen Butchart Ground floor
Old Aberdeen Crombie Reception
Old Aberdeen Cruickshank Ground floor
Old Aberdeen Edward Wright Ground floor main entrance
Old Aberdeen Fraser Noble Entrance Foyer
Old Aberdeen King's College James Mackay & Elphinstone Hall
Old Aberdeen MacRobert Both sides of café
Old Aberdeen Meston Rear & front entrance
Old Aberdeen Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Ground floor toilet
Old Aberdeen New Kings Ground floor
Old Aberdeen Old Brewery Entrance
Old Aberdeen Regent Near Lecture Theatre
Old Aberdeen Science Teaching Hub Entrance
Old Aberdeen SDR Library Ground floor
Old Aberdeen St Mary's Entrance
Old Aberdeen Students' Union Building Entrance & Students' Union Reception
Old Aberdeen Taylor Entrance & Library entrance
Old Aberdeen William Guild Entrance & Foyer
Old Aberdeen Zoology Entrance

If stock is low or needs replenished, please flag this via:

If you have any queries or feedback about the initiative, please contact: